Well-Known Member
Am I out of line suggesting that Edwyn resembles a young Santa Claus?.....and all through the house, everyone was flowerpotted, even the mouse.
Am I out of line suggesting that Edwyn resembles a young Santa Claus?.....and all through the house, everyone was flowerpotted, even the mouse.
What the fuck...I love New Vape and have always shared this fact.
The recent dust up over a leaky adjustabowl has never, ever, been about a leaky adjustabowl. This has not been about whether you like steama or dislike steama. It has never been about whether you agree with me or disagree with me. Not in the slightest.
What this has been about is the character and freedom of FC. FC is a place where people are free to discuss aspects of the art of vaporization. FC is a place where you can talk about things you learn about your favorite vape and share with like minds in the community. You can talk about how much you like your vape or even talk about aspects you dislike about a vape. The point is, you have the freedom to discuss almost anything you like as long as your intentions are honorable and honest there should be no problems.
This has been about a manufacturer getting involved with this thread on FC in a way that is destructive to the community and the spirit of FC. This manufacturer has tried to bully and intimidate people that post things he is in disagreement about. People participating at FC should be free to post whatever they choose as long as it is relevant and honest without the fear of reprisal from the manufacturer.
The manufacturer does not need to behave in this insulting manner. This is the way a bully behaves.
There's absolutely no way to prove or disprove any vapor is being diluted. That's a crazy unverified claim. Please consider that there are people here who thrive on drama, and love to show off their smarts at the expense of others. I've offered to completely refund people that are not 100% satisfied with any newVape part. Instead they must get more satisfaction of dragging me thru the f-ing mud.
In closing I will say I was one of the most vocal cheerleaders for New Vape and their products. I have absolutely zero motive to “show-off my smarts at the expense of others” or drag Edwyn through the mud. Why would I want to do this to the maker of the finest vaporizer I have ever used? It makes no sense.
My crime was discussing a leak I discovered in the adjustabowl here on FC. I thought this was the kind of thing FC is for. Isn't FC the place to talk about such things?
It can be wonderful when manufactures participate because it can dramatically enhance the thread. What I feel is important for manufacturers to remember is not to interfere with the regular order of an FC thread like you did in this situation.
Things will be much better for the FC community if when you participate @NewVape710 you remember to stay in your lane.
I love FC and I'm not going anywhere because of a little this and that.
Also, I have asked @NewVape710 for an ajustabowl refund and now the manufacturer has decided to ignore me instead.
Is anybody really surprised?
I'm still thinking this 12" CCG SOL piece would be great for the Showerhead.
still enjoying my 9" SOL perc piece, but I think something just a touch bigger like this 12 inch tube would be perfect for flower vaping those higher temps for more of a shotgun hit.
Can people say what their favorite piece is to use with the FP? Or does it change depending on temp and stuff? Trying to decide what to go with. I'm starting to think the FC-186 is too big. I don't have huge lung capacity.
My American glass doesn't fit my Flowerpotbeen thinking about selling my 10mm mini tube for something I can use with my showerhead. Been lusting for a fumed Leisure Brick Stack incycler. Just not sure how it hits with flower.
drop downs, my friend. I know people hate them, (aesthetically I do, too) but I'd rather have all my glass available to me regardless of how it's set up. I have a 10mm female to 14mm female drop down that allows me to use any of my 10mm gear with the FP. 10mm male to male adapter for 10mm female rigs, but I'm sure you could get something similar without the need for two adapters. Just what I did to be cost effective. Either DHgate or eBay if you're too impatient.
I still need to try out my MangoGlass recycler with the FP, but I also just got new quartz specifically for it. It'll have to wait.![]()
What's the smallest piece you've used that dropdown on? My minitube is 5" with a 45 degree 10mm female removable downstem. Not sure the 45 degree downstem will handle the weight though.
Can people say what their favorite piece is to use with the FP? Or does it change depending on temp and stuff? Trying to decide what to go with. I'm starting to think the FC-186 is too big. I don't have huge lung capacity.
This little piece is a dream in every way and is perfect for the Flower Pot.
This rattlecan bubbler is on the way. I an hoping this piece is good because of the low diffusion and the small amount of air at the top means less lung work. I don't know if this is a boom or a bust yet. We will soon see.
I hate this little bubbler because it feels like a toy imo.
This straight tube takes a lot of lung -- too much work to be my daily driver.
This little piece is a dream in every way and is perfect for the Flower Pot.
This rattlecan bubbler is on the way. I an hoping this piece is good because of the low diffusion and the small amount of air at the top means less lung work. I don't know if this is a boom or a bust yet. We will soon see.
The one you've noted as a dream, thats a similar set up to the D020 I guess? I think those types of percs and set ups are perfect for not getting much blow back. All the others I'm seeing have the perc so high up, meaning more water. The TAG ones might actually be what I'm looking for and cheap enough to make it worthwhile not going to DHgate.
That rattlecan... same thinking I've had with it, but never taken the risk. I figure I'm likely to either love it or hate it.
Very much looking forward to hearing your opinion on it in use with the FP.
Thanks guys. I do have a variation of yours @emmdeemo the D-020 D from Sunshinestore on DHgate, so maybe it will work well with the showerhead.
Yeah that's what I'm thinking, and I don't think your drop down would work with mine cause it doesn't have enough clearance at the top.I just found that without a drop down, the SH was a bit tall and close to my face for my liking.
Yeah that's what I'm thinking, and I don't think your drop down would work with mine cause it doesn't have enough clearance at the top.
Any updates on the glass bowls? I really wanna use my nicer glass with the FP.
Speaking of new glass I'm going to grab the new TAG egg they are pushing for Black Friday for the FP. It looks like it would be great with that perc. That's the donut perc they are copying.
TAG - 10" Faberge Can Super Slit Donut with Bellow Base 44x4MM - 14MM Female
Can this be used with a car inverter?