Damn impossible to keep up with this thread it moves so quick!
Just wanted to add that a finer grind changed the game with respect to clouds! Still prefer the coarse grind for flavour country and smoother hits, but fine brings the milk on! Dropped my temps significantly because of it.
Now I finally understand why some of the vids have shown so much dense milk...fine grind, and apparently some are filling the bowl up to the brim?

Biggest load i've tried was .25g and that was pretty much a full bowl.
Do you guys tamp? I guess some do some don't and some do sort of. More testing! Fortunately I have a big jar of high cbd/lower thc buds mixed with some lesser outdoor from our great Tweed "licensed producer", absolute crap... but great for testing because although the effects lack, the taste and clouds are definitely there. And the cbd probably does me well!
I think last Black Friday sale was 15% off? And 4/20 was 20% IIRC?
I cannot remember the formula i came up with... Did i not text/e mail/PM it to you?
In the end it really does not matter! Find a temp you cannot leave for clouds/flavor/effects and stay there...
Yeah bro I think you sent it in a text but lost the chain at some point. No worries, I never implemented the formula since I did have the FP at the time but was curious. Where did you find that formula?
And you gotta see some of the meds that landed this week! Gastown and Yaletown Flower Co outta VanCity! We need to do like a flower tasting session, kinda like a wine tasting thing, but for much better things! FP front and centre! Bring your OGFP 16mm over and let's side to side compare!