Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
Yes! Stay away from the brass if you can. They all work great but that brass tastes like you're actually licking on some brass metal to me. It's not pleasant at all. However all of our pallets our different. Mine is very sensitive and discerning. :D

@Justpassedu unless it's your most recent video I've not yet watched it. How are you liking my and NV's showrcap design? Bwaahaha! :brow:I was flown out to Vegas over the weekend for some recon. :rockon: I've got 2 pages to catch up on my friend. Thank you for your input. It's always well received.

I just noticed your set temperature on that rip...I bet that was flavor city brother! Nice and good remix on that tune too.

Also I forget who said it a few pages back but you'd be mistaken if you think I've not read every post on every page in this thread. Once home I always read every post on every page. This is my life buddy! ;):science:
Haha it’s a good design im enjoying it and a new video , check when ya can .

@little maggie you basically have different head options , the shower head being bigger in size with more airflow and geared more towards flower use being it only uses titanium for dabbing , the wrap around with the tag Sic dish , titanium bc dish or quartz being geared for both in mind ( flower and concentrate ) and the wrap around that fits the dnail Sic halo’s that works well for both flower and concentrate and is prob the best all around for dabbing do to the wider dish the dnail has. 20mm is the way to go imo as it is a bit bigger and help retains heat. They all work amazing imo and it really comes down to what you’d prefer , everyone seems to be loving the showerhead the most at the moment . I personally love them all and would be happy having any of them .
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hotboxing the cockpit
@NewVape710 Ti screens would be greatly appreciated, as I have held off from ordering from elsewhere thus far!

Good to hear about the bowl design. I do think ol stubby would be less prone to getting stuck, but I can't test since I don't have one. I like the handle too much. The taper allowing you to use with 14&18mm is really nice on stubby though, I really like that about the current female bowls. I don't think I'll use my old male bowl again since it's so prone to getting stuck.

When I was using it in my recycler, and using that big female to female adapter, I noticed reclaim getting stuck between the ridges on the bowl, making it really hard to get out when it solidified and was hard... Def another reason for the taper.

Either way I'm eager to see what you can come up with!


on this one glass piece I have, the joint I guess is bigger or something, so the male bowl doesn't get stuck as easy... not sure if just chinaglass or what...
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Seeking Higher Ground


Well-Known Member
Its's official. I ordered my 20mm coil from dhgate since I'm upgrading from 16mm. Ordered my coil cover and debowler from Newvape and the future looks bright. Next week I'm ordering the showerhead as well. I might even get the wrap around center-post for a the 16mm so I can go back and fourth between the two =)


Seeking Higher Ground
Interesting, I love mine for how fast and easy it can handle a group setting. Even the vape nazi's have been asking me how much they go for!

I find it easier for groups just to pass the torch (head, coil & stand) around.
Each guest gets to tend to their own cheap glass/silicone rig, and flowerpot bowl.
No germs or seconds.


4ShOObY3 - IG
I just joined the Newvape family today. Placed my order today for the essentials, Flowerpot Dnail 20mm wraparound, coil nut and coil cover with 14mm body with handle to use with D-Nail SiC Dish & V2 cap. And i got another enail Handle. I love these Newvape Enail Handles.

Still need to get the flowerpot stand that is wrapped in hemp wick as well as the dabber stand along with different dabbers. That will be next month! So far i like what i see and cant wait to try this bad boy!


Well-Known Member
I just joined the Newvape family today. Placed my order today for the essentials, Flowerpot Dnail 20mm wraparound, coil nut and coil cover with 14mm body with handle to use with D-Nail SiC Dish & V2 cap. And i got another enail Handle. I love these Newvape Enail Handles.

Still need to get the flowerpot stand that is wrapped in hemp wick as well as the dabber stand along with different dabbers. That will be next month! So far i like what i see and cant wait to try this bad boy!
Welcome Shooby , glad to have you on board. You ordered pretty quick , best of luck . Glad I found ya in the dnail thread . Now you got the best of both worlds.


Vapriot, Traveler & Vaporizer/ing lover!
This is ridiculous as in it's ridiculous that I'll not be able to stop myself from buying this along with NV's original hemp wrapped base. YEAH, yeah it's looks grew on me over time.

NV you're relentless and I'm starting to think you actually like torturing us! Oh please oh please don't stop. But just in case we need to come up with a safe word.

Well, I just ordered my Shower Head kit. Only waited this long because I just have more new stuff than I can really get aquainted with lately....but its time.

I got this:

Ah yeah it's on now. I'm happy that you've finally decided to go for it. You're going to love it. Congratulations!

no blowback
I don't know what you might have or not have done in the past or here with the FP to get and not get blowback. Maybe it's how you draw? I don't know though.

I'll toot my own horn here and say that the term doesn't exist in my world as I've never experienced bb at anytime in my vaporizing adventures. Non issue really.

Or it could be that I'm just lucky for the second time in my life. Nods @Justpassedu

Mine is already in Detroit! WTF only 2 days from FL to Detroit City? This may be a new record for the fastest shipping from the USA i've ever had...hopefully customs doesn't shit the bed. I thought about a week or so by next friday, but at this rate i'll be showerheading and dabbing by like wednesday!

Perhaps a bowl preheat would help?
This is exciting. You've been a great presence here all along. It'll be great to hear what you think once you've had a chance to molest your NV gear.

I'd suggest not preheating your bowl unless you're not too concerned with flavor. Doing this will surprisingly diminish it more than you'd think.

Showerhead microdose

Thanks for the video. Those micros and macros sure go a long damn way when kissed by the FP. Keep rippin brother!

Just got some really nice parts in the mail that I have not tried yet : The Shower Cap Carb Cap & New Style Bowl w/ledge for screen & new handle.
Great photo and sweet pickups too! I've finally caved and I'll also be getting a couple of the NV handles myself.

I've just upgraded to sapphire, another level now for flavour :o.

Haha...I told you sapphire is the shiznit! But did you do it right and get the halo and not the washer!? All things aside you still beat me to the punch here. :drool:It'll not happen again. :cool::lol:

Damn need to get myself a 20mm coil and shower head soon :)

Its's official. I ordered my 20mm coil from dhgate since I'm upgrading from 16mm. Ordered my coil cover and debowler from Newvape and the future looks bright. Next week I'm ordering the showerhead as well. I might even get the wrap around center-post for a the 16mm so I can go back and fourth between the two =)
Listen to that little voice in the recesses of your mind and get the other one too. The options card is a lovely card to hold and pull at will. You cannot go wrong here.

I just joined the Newvape family today. Placed my order today for the essentials, Flowerpot Dnail 20mm wraparound, coil nut and coil cover with 14mm body with handle to use with D-Nail SiC Dish & V2 cap. And i got another enail Handle. I love these Newvape Enail Handles.

Still need to get the flowerpot stand that is wrapped in hemp wick as well as the dabber stand along with different dabbers. That will be next month! So far i like what i see and cant wait to try this bad boy!
Welcome to the family and we all look forward to hearing about your first NV punches to the face.


hotboxing the cockpit
I'd suggest not preheating your bowl unless you're not too concerned with flavor. Doing this will surprisingly diminish it more than you'd think.

Similar to the reduction in flavor I get from using shower cap too early in a flower bowl at the temps I use. I think leaving the head on actually introduces an element of conduction... showercap obviously does not but ya... Don't recommend heatsoaking. Just drop the showercap on til it milks, then remove. You can keep the milk up as long as you don't pull full force. Kinda nice when I'm impatient :freak:

Really had to take one for the team on this, getting the right shots required many reshoots. I was completely blind by the end - and it was glorious.

My man... what cinematography! Beautiful shots! Keep getting ripped, we appreciate it :brow:
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Well-Known Member
Got the dish not insert @ichibaneye off @MileHighHuman. Grabbed the SiC dish and dabber off her first then the sapphire when funds allowed. Only done a few blobs of oil but the flavour isn't just a bit better it's smoother as well. It's more satisfying seeing it sizzle on the sapphire as well not sure why it just beats the SiC in every way and the SiC is great to begin with.

Will need to play once more with the temps still not found my preferred numbers but it's so fun to try and find that middle ground :nod:.

Mr Rooibos

Well-Known Member
A man of action. I like that. Hopefully it all can be worked out for you.[/QUOTE said:
Thanks man. I've been on FC forum for quite a while; more of a listener than active poster - when I see something I want, I pipe up with my :2c:. Would just love to be able to check the site out to explore the components and options a bit better. @NewVape710 Is there any workaround for me to access your site? Feeling a little left out :shrug:

And welcome to [USER=9808 said:
@Mr Rooibos[/USER] Another fellow South African, unfortunately without a FP!
Originally from Joburg, Randburg area!
Hey man, many thanks. I'm sure you've felt my pain once upon a time - all the good gear comes from across the pond, costs a few extra $ getting the stuff to the tip of Africa, and the "oops i forgot to add X item to my cart" can take a few extra weeks to arrive at my doorstep.

Would love to have a FP in my possession before Christmas. My exhausted back will need daily relief as I'm opening up a restaurant over that time.
OOPS! Apologies, screwed up my multi-quote @lazylathe @ichibaneye @NewVape710
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Vapor Dreams
I am absolutely convinced Showerhead Fp is the best vaporizer i have ever tried and i know it will last forever but what about the coil and controller? How much is it intended to last? Maybe i should buy a backup enail just in case because I leave it on at least 4 hours a day


NV you're relentless and I'm starting to think you actually like torturing us! Oh please oh please don't stop. But just in case we need to come up with a safe word.


I'll toot my own horn here and say that the term doesn't exist in my world as I've never experienced bb at anytime in my vaporizing adventures. Non issue really.

It's funny, the ONLY vapes i've ever had issues with blowback have been the e-nano and lsv. It's definitely a technique thing.

This is exciting. You've been a great presence here all along. It'll be great to hear what you think once you've had a chance to molest your NV gear.

I'd suggest not preheating your bowl unless you're not too concerned with flavor. Doing this will surprisingly diminish it more than you'd think.

Thanks man, yeah i've been warned, however I could see a potential benefit to this for micros? .02 or so, with a quick preheat? Or not needed?

I am absolutely convinced Showerhead Fp is the best vaporizer i have ever tried and i know it will last forever but what about the coil and controller? How much is it intended to last?

That's one thing I never asked about, warranty on the controller. My assumption would be a year, or maybe 90 days. Regardless, at $85 i'm not too concerned about it. Same with the coil. I'm just stoked to have a non-glass vape that I don't have to worry about breaking!

Fingers crossed for delivery today! :nod:


hotboxing the cockpit
It's definitely a technique thing.

I think it's physics and has to do with the water pushing air back up the downstem. It depends on the water piece, water level and bowl you're using/adapters.

Since my male piece is 14mm and the female bowls are tapered, I think air is able to escape from the top of the taper as the water settles so I don't get blowback.

I could be completely full of shit but I don't see any way that "technique" could impact whether or not you get blowback. What do I do, pull... less? Create less suction?


I think it's physics and has to do with the water pushing air back up the downstem. It depends on the water piece, water level and bowl you're using/adapters.

Since my male piece is 14mm and the female bowls are tapered, I think air is able to escape from the top of the taper as the water settles so I don't get blowback.

I could be completely full of shit but I don't see any way that "technique" could impact whether or not you get blowback. What do I do, pull... less? Create less suction?

In my case, you're totally right. Its the water level going back to normal pushing the excess air out of the glass and back through the bowl in the process.

My crazy slow draw is one solution, another is also as little water as possible. If I fill just above the perc, blow back is less likely to happen. The more water I put in, the more air gets pushed out when I stop drawing.

My other solution is that as soon as I feel the tickle of 'im running out of inhale', I remove the carb cap, pull the head, then pull the bowl out of the glass, then stop drawing. Clears the glass, stops any blowback.

Science plus technique, problems solved.
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hotboxing the cockpit
Yeah, I was initially really keen on trying to pull the bowl off before I finished my draw before to prevent blowback but I don't need to bother with this male jointed glass piece and the female bowl.

I much prefer it this way.

It was too stressful trying to pull the bowl off EVERY TIME. While also running out of breath. And damn those crumbs all over my desk annoyed me. :argh:

Glad we're all good now :lol:


How could this be fixed by design?

EDIT: Completely off topic, but considering the grasshopper says never to blow into it, and i cant attest to having always removed the hopper when I was using it with water, that might explain why mine were dying. Blowback into the heater.

I tried reclaim, but it didn't work that well. Loctite or JB weld FTW!

I used a pair of a pliers to give it that tiny extra tighten, nothing comes lose any more, no need for chemicals :)
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It was too stressful trying to pull the bowl off EVERY TIME. While also running out of breath. And damn those crumbs all over my desk annoyed me. :argh:

I'm concerned about this too, because pulling the bowl off seems like it could mean a disaster to me, in my house anyway since i'll be training my girl to use the FP. Looks like GAS is on, because I REALLY need glass. I'm done to my LAST piece, which I cracked the dewaar joint with a claisen, so i'm best not to stick that male bowl in there otherwise i'm pretty sure i'll lose the piece. My FP will be sitting on a claisen!

Completely off topic, but considering the grasshopper says never to blow into it, and i cant attest to having always removed the hopper when I was using it with water, that might explain why mine were dying. Blowback into the heater.

Same here! I pretty much exclusively used mine with glass, and they all died, but I don't think it was always because of the sensor, but rather faulty back end electronics.

I used a pair of a pliers to give it that tiny extra tighten, nothing comes lose any more, no need for chemicals :)

Thanks for that tip!!


hotboxing the cockpit
I'm concerned about this too, because pulling the bowl off seems like it could mean a disaster to me, in my house anyway since i'll be training my girl to use the FP. Looks like GAS is on, because I REALLY need glass. I'm done to my LAST piece, which I cracked the dewaar joint with a claisen, so i'm best not to stick that male bowl in there otherwise i'm pretty sure i'll lose the piece. My FP will be sitting on a claisen!

I guess it depends on your entire setup but, the female bowl really changed things for me. It's so simple to get off. A little twist (like 5degrees) is enough to get it loose, then it pulls right off. It's not even close to an issue with this current setup.

I usually just leave it on now after my hits, since I get no blowback. The urgency before was due to the blowback, now I don't really care and am not in a huge rush to get the bowl off my glass. In fact, last night I was so baked, I had loaded up my scoop with some fresh herb and was getting ready to drop it in my bowl... but midway through getting my arms there, I saw I still had a full, already vaped bowl sitting in there... whoops... :uhoh:
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