I guess the geniuses of life go straight to quantum vaporisation at school, and altogether skip the course on how to post OUTSIDE of the quotation box!
Just fooling, nothing but pure respect seeing what you are achieving and how you are doing it.
Being effectively useless myself due to illness and debilitating fatigue, I am always amazed to see people like yourself and the life and invention you bring to the party. I'm really impressed.

I also think it is fanatstic how you are so committed to making improvements, which you clearly are on multiple levels, and for the right reasons also, not just for the sake of it or profit as some may.
You lot are really killing me by the way! I SO want this vape, but I had to sell my Herborizer Ti because it was too aggravating for my allergies. If I was 100% sure I could tolerate the Flowerpot with my allergies, I would be excitedly raising funds, making plans and enquiries.
But there is such a strong chance I will have similar issues as with the Herbo Ti, I just can't afford to risk it. So I tease myself instead, unable to tear my eyes away from the sidelines!
My recently malfunctioned XL Herborizer injector has been travelling- he spent the last 2 weeks in Germany being misplaced. Now he's been found, and is heading direct to Sebastien in France for a repair!
Well pleased cos I have only 2 vapes at my curent disposal. Both take small loads and are pretty tight with draw restriction. One being the Omnivap. I like it, it fits well, but only when I have another heavier hitting desktop around.
Vapes with draw restriction are KILLING ME right now!

Had enough, can't wait to get my XL injector back. It does have a restricted draw but not too bad.
The showerhead shines here clearly and this has just added something extra to the Flowerpot. Maybe one day!
Full respect to Newvape!