So, I was unable to bring the gear to the fights this past Saturday or even use it yet. I'm actually glad in a way because I didn't really want any distractions while becoming familiar with and testing out the gear.
So, I've arrived in Oregon and I'm staying here for the week so I can really dive into it all.
4 different flowers are on deck and 2 different shatters as well.
Because I'm a fan of the colors Ti changes at higher temperatures I cranked the heat up pretty high while I got everything else ready to go. That way I get the cool colors.
20 minutes later and I've got color! I'm going to do this with all of my pieces.
Okay, so today will be my first go at the lovely and solid FP. I'm just going to start off with flower only at first and then baby step into the double deckers. I don't want to be benched on my first day.
Now the real tough decision for me here is do I go small or big on load size! I have been on a T break for the past 5 days or so.
Because of this the FP for sure will reach out and touch me if not more so smack my ass into oblivion because of my lowered tolerance. I'm actually a bit nervous...haha! This is exciting.
I've got the heat dialed back down to 625F now and I think I'll go with a small dusting to cover the Ti screen that's in the stubby bowl for starters.
The stubby bowls are beautiful and look to hold a lot of material if need be and there is no way my screens with pop out.
The fitment is very tight and just like everything so far with NV products seems like a match made in heaven when it comes to anything they touch.
I hope to maintain consciousness today as best as I can so I'll be able to share my progress and first usage impressions. So....on that note I'm shoving off, wish me luck!
Finally, if I've not checked back in for a few hours it's because the FP sucker punched me and I've got a sign hanging around my neck that says DO NOT RESUSCITATE!