Socks And Sandals
Well-Known Member
@Socks And Sandals - I have both SCS and BCG grinders and use both regularly with the flowerpot. I prefer the S&B brushes for cleanup/debowling.
Thank you man, I had to ask after watching Edwyn say how necessary a fine grind is with the flowerpot. Thanks again for confirming that the fluffy medium grind of our SCS is more than satisfactory. I wasn't too keen on the the idea of a new grinder at the moment. I can look ito the BCG and that fine plate later... good to know!

Not necessary at all, I have a 15 year old random headshop grinder that gives me a very medium but some might call it a light corse. I've experimented with a fine grind and wasn't happy with the results, number one problem was I would get a harsh note that I never get with my medium, didn't find it vaped substantially faster or bigger clouds and ISO soaking the screen was needed far more frequently.
I only have the debowler but don't think I would like the brush because I think it's too big. I never invert the bowl and just hold it on a slightly downward angle and tap against the spike and everything pretty much falls right out especially if the bowl is still hot, super easy.
Consider the delta 3D studios scoop and poke it's my go to for my Weedeater. A heaping scoop of my medium grind is exactly .05
here’s a pretty typical session for me
Thanks for the confirmation that a medium and light coarse grind works good as well. The only time I used to grind fine was with the plastic S&B and my plenty. It did seem to give off more hits and thicker vapor with that finer grind but I had no other grinder to compare it to at the time. When I did finally buy my medium 4 piece SCS, It was kind of hard to notice the difference at all tbh. Both in terms of clouds and even number of draws. Go figure lol.
Yeah man, I was also looking at delta 3d and If I'm not mistaken that scoop is the same one Troy uses a lot. If a heaping scoop of your medium grind is .05.. what's a level scoop? Thanks man!

Love the Milkshot btw!