Alright, I'm in. Is one size better/worse than another? I was going to grab a 20mm and realized I was basing my decision on nothing. Going to grab an auber 300 while it's on sale and a barrel coil.
Wow that was put on sale overnight, nice score! Let me know if you get it dialed in so it's only losing a few degrees before matching the chosen/static set temp again.
I like that the the Auber doesn't overshoot temp. On it's heat-up cycle. Electrically speaking this is a good design feature.
I'd go with the 20mm FP myself and will be also doing so next week. Haha.. have I mentioned that yet.

It gives you unlimited options out there basically when it comes to some additional dab surface dishes and items otherwise not available for other 16mm nails.
You know for all the geeks out there who love to tinker and have multiple choices on hand to choose from at will.

Just my

is all.
Like last night I was on the Highly Educated website and I came across this titanium crown nail part. Grade 2 by the way.

It's milled out with open cutouts along it's body while retaining a frame that holds a nails dab-insert or surface.
You know like your Sic dish and what not. The sides of its metal frame make contact up the sides of the Sic dish, halo, quarts and what not.
For a visual picture a Liger Banger if you will, with the sides of its walls milled out around where the inserts fit.
I was thinking that if this works with the NV FP as a hybrid build it would increase the power of the FP's already portent head-kick. I mean let's get the best thing going we can here, right... So who's coming with me, anyone!
Because of how the coils fit on and with the FP and under the dab surface instead of directly around it. I was thinking that the added contact of the metal would add a better and more even heat transfer to the dab surface. This would make for a completely better overall dab experince in all aspects of dabbing and with the FP.
I believe it would also allow the user better temperature control when using the FP for both dabs and flower at the same time. Bringing them both closer to the ideal temperature ranges needed for each.
I was also thinking about doing a triple stack attack idea when I get my FP. I can't remember who mentioned this in the thread before. The set up, concentrate of choice at the ready. Next a health stone or concentrate/oil pad is needed. Load your flower in The FP bowl, now place the health-stone or pad over your flowers. Next grab the fullmelt of your choice and place that on the HS. Now take your dab and hit all three at once.
What do you all think about this? Please drip drop us some your mad glob knowledge here too. Cheers ladies and gents!