I bought the NewVape coil and just soldered an XLR connector using their pin out diagram.
I use it with my China controller and it works awesome!
I quite like the fact that
@NewVape710 recommends their package as a "tried and tested" option.
At least when you buy all their products you are guaranteed a working vaporizer.
This is not a computer peripheral that needs to be able to be plugged into the exact same port worldwide.
We should also add that Errlectric has their own custom coils etc as well as many other vendors out there. Just because we decide we want it to work differently, does not mean the manufacturer has to jump and bow to our every wish.
I have discovered over the years, us vaporists want stuff to work the way WE want it to work and not the way it was intended to work.
I bought my
@NewVape710 Flower Pot knowing this and knowing what i would need to do to get it to work with the equipment i had on hand, no complaints whatsoever!
It's a great product that works extremely well.
And again this is the Flower Pot thread!
Just my humble opinion and my
I don't want it to work differently man. I want an option to buy a heater coil that is compatible with my controller. These heater coils are almost as ubiquitous to the dab industry as the resin itself is!!! This is not some unique revolutionary design for a heater which NV can only make the one way or it may be unsafe and risk interfering with the space-time continuum!

This is the humble e-nail coil we are talking about: it is as tried and true as it gets!
We have more different coils available out there that are known to work well and safely than you could shake all of my dabbers at (and I assure you, that is a lot of dabbers brother!)!
Well made coils using the typical d-nail pin arrangement and XLR cables have clearly stood the test of time. All I am saying is that if companies like NV want to make their product more appealing to people who are not buying a new e-nail controller or ordering barrel coils elsewhere and paying additional shipping just to use the flowerpot, they should also offer conventional coils. If not, they're losing sales. That is all. I represent one of those lost sales for now.
Not all of us who use controllers/coils from other brands are using unreliable products that get hot or fail to work. In many cases, we need an option to buy a barrel coil from the vendor if we are going to be interested in checking out the flowepot. A lot of us use flat coils only these days. I am one of them. 4 e-nail controllers, nothing but flat coils.
I pointed out genuine ambiguity in the comments that NV made about competitors products, because they voiced concerns that I was 'putting words in their mouth'.
I am saying that safe reliable coils that work with most competitors controllers are a dime a dozen, NV seem to have no problem releasing otherr products that imitate tried and true designs in the industry - so why this one? The safety/reliability argument simply does not hold water IME. I am saying that I have already lived the experience of having good quality coils that will fit my requirements and can't see why NV wouldn't stock these in order to be able to meet the needs of more customers?
No response has been offered by NV.
I just want them to offer coils for retail that work with most people's controllers so I don't need to buy redundant cheaper versions of shit that I already own just to use the product without making another purchase elsewhere for a compatible coil and paying more shipping.
There is absolutely no way that I am soldering anything. I do not want to solder anything myself for my vapes ever, I'm a medical user with too little free time as it is! E-nail coils cost enough that if I'm paying, I want it to work with my controller with no additional labor from me

No problem if you don't mind soldering your own of course man, that is your decision to make obviously
They don't make coils with different arrangements and I won't stump up for shipping from another vendor just to buy a barrel coil to make it work, so I won't buy their product for now. Nothing was lost
I tried to find a solution, couldn't and voiced that. Got accused of putting words in someone's mouth and my response raising the vendor's initial ambiguity which led to my choice of words was ignored. Maybe sometime in the future there'll be an option to buy this product without asking so many questions here to know what I need to buy (the website does not seem to have any package that gives you everything you need to use the flowerpot and there are a variety of required components!) and without having to buy redundant hardware that I already own because of incompatible interfaces, or without ordering components elsewhere. Until then, peace.
I do sincerely thank all of those who did assist in giving me information about the product here though, you guys have been great!