All opinions are solely mine, and not to be taken as fact. The review is based on my experience with the FP over the last 4.5 days. I'm in no way affiliated with this or any other company, and I paid full price for this, the same as the lot of you.
My tools:
My set up-
I'm basing this review off cost, ease of use, effectiveness, and my overall feelings on it.
Background - Smoker for the last 15 years, was using it recreationally while preaching the flowers medical powers before there was any legality or real research (early 00's in HS).
I have access to a variety of strains and concentrates as I did get a card for my states medical program about 4 months ago.
I'm not new to vaporization but I'm a recent returnee. I've owned a Volcano, Arizer Extreme Q, Da Buddah, MFLB, Arizer Solo, Arizer Air, Pinnacle Pro, and various Chinese rebrands.
The only unit I was happy with was the EQ a few years ago, but for some reason I always returned to smoking. It was my recent concentrate comsumption and the soon-coming birth of my first child to make me want to get back into vaporizing and really quit smoking.
That being said, I was weary of EVERYTHING because besides dabs and vape cartridges, I could never really achieve the clouds I wanted to, and I'm a cloud chaser. I grew up in the era of bong rips and glass galore, cross joints and half oz Philly Titans, so I like my sh*t to rip. Excuse the language, but I don't f*ck with that "just cause you can't see the vapor doesn't mean it's not effective and cool" mentality. To each their own, but like I said......rips.
That was a huge factor and HUGE (misguided) concern and worry I had going into this.
Now, without further adeu, review time!
Cost - 8/10
I was originally going to go 7, but then I realized that the most I'll ever have to pay to replace anything and keep it going strong is $100. That's for the Enail and coil. I opted to go with Auberins, It's a little cheaper and they have a good name. Not to mention, when looking at pics of the ones sold by NV, they're manufactured by Vapecode and I already have the exact same one minus their logo.
Most enails come with a year warranty but will last much longer. So you figure every few years you'll have to drop the money on one of those and maybe a replacement dish for ten bucks (if you got SiC or Quartz like I did) but everything else is titanium. Straight up. You would have to put in legit effort to break this vape.
The ONLY essential accessory you need is the lollicap. You could try to use a carb cap you have lying around, or a silicone dab lid, etc..... but this is engineered ingeniously for the flowerpot and is only 25 bucks.
I do recommend getting a stand of some sort. I would have loved to get theirs but couldn't afford it with the baby coming, so I went to Home Depot and got a soldering iron stand for 5.39 that works perfectly! Still, if someone has an extra one they wanna send me as a present I'll take it graciously

Ease of Use - 9/10
If you buy everything seperately like I did, in order to use a 20mm coil, it's a slight inconvenience putting everything together the right way without over tightening, yada yada. I'm not super talented at that sh*t, and it still only took me a min and a reminder picture to figure it out.
Within minutes of having my rig set up and my enail heated, I was getting massive clouds. Literally on the first hit. I started at 650, went up, went back down, and I'm currently at 680. I normally do a bowl of flower with one or two dabs, for the "double decker hits".
That was honest to god one of the main reasons I bought this, and it did not disappoint.
The only reasons I did not rate it a full 10 are because the Lollicap gets a little too hot and it takes some playing around to get a comfortable timing/temperature technique down. Also, anything that has a few parts and pieces to pull out/set up, and a wait time, is going to be more of a MINOR hassle. I'm writing this as honest as I can be and I have to cater to my lazy stoner audience, but it's truly not a big deal.
Effectiveness - 11/10
Off the charts. I've never been more impressed with a desktop vape before. The ingenuity of it all amazes me, and the clouds. Oh the clouds. It's so lovely how fast you can get it to feel like an old school bong rip from a 3 footer.
You can play with temps too, for denser clouds, which also then determines whether your bowl lasts 7-8 hits (half to 3/4 packed) or it's cashed out in 2.
Some of you may be wondering about combustion if it's giving clouds like that........
Well, take a look
That's a bad pic, but it's still clear that it's pretty evenly browned. That's the same lime green bud from an earlier picture. No combustion, truly great vapor. True convection (unless you're like me and sometimes leave the head on too long). There's nothing more you can ask for.
Overall - 9.5/10
Some may complain about the cost, or the need for an enail, or the fact that you need a large base rig for stability, or the weather, or the recent NBA draft, or politics.
Frankly, there's always some people who will ALWAYS b*tch about something. You provide an almost perfect design, they'll ridicule you for not being 100000% perfect.
Those are the people who will have complaints.
I nitpicked, I was honest about my cloud chasing ways and what I was after, and I tried to find and address every complaint within reason that could be made about the Flowerpot. I tried to review it in a way that was not impacted by my discovery of a device that can make me say, in my everyday life, F*ck Combustion.
I think I did ok with not being too over enthusiastic.....but really, if there is anyone on the fence, isn't the fact that this device is powerful enough to convert a combuster evidence enough?
Huge thanks to
@Zow237 and
@Justpassedu and
@vaporist4LIFE and
@disGRUNTled and whoever else posted convincing sh*t in word or picture form, and
@NewVape710 for designing this f*ckin beast.
VisiblyVaped out (mic drop)