To be truthful I have hardly been out since it has been cold. I did start losing a ton of sleep each night in bed though. Low body temp has been one of my symptoms for years. I always wear multiple layers in bed, including a hat and scarf 365 days a year, or else I will lose sleep being too cold at night- even in the summer!Is the cold weather doing you in too?
So the cold affects me tht way. When I am especially unerweight in winter I can go all winter just sleeping a few hours per night! Im even wearing my winter coat in bed now, jumper, 3 shirts, 3 socks, long johns and trousers- plus TWO blankets on top of a double duvet!!!
That seems to have done the trick last 3 nights. I scale up and down to be in minimum clothing to not lose sleep cold. CRAZY I know!

And also- we need cold weather, especially at the start of the winter- it kills off all the germs and when itndoesn't get cold enough early on, there will be a LOT more winter illnesses spreading around.
Now, some GOOD NEWS! Just opened a letter from DWP- they have changed their recent decision following my manadtory redconsideration- so that I AM entitled to ESA!
Im waiting on detail confirmation letter, but looks like I dont have to go through the appeals process and have 18 month breathing space to focus on getting well, not on fighting benefits decsions!

So that is a weight off my mind, which I happily share here!
The biggest (and almost only) thing on my mind this monday morning is finding a way to comfortably use the Flowerpot. Have suffered with my chest last 2 days.
I stayed at 550 uncapped last night, keeping draw quite fast. Was getting very good hits but the bowls would take a long time to extract and Im not satisfied Im getting sufficient extraction at this temp. Some ABV:

I really would like to extract a bit quicker. With the Herbo Ti, last time I used it, we kept to setting 5. Clouds were good and effortless, the bowl was extracted quite quick and the ABV was very dark but smooth hits and never roasted. And my chest was a lot more comfortable than the last 2 days when my ABV has been very light in contrast.
I know ABV color is not a sure sign of extraction level, but I do feel I should be able to take it darker in the Flowerpot and still be comfortable chest wise as I was last time with the Ti.
It is also taking a lot of hits and long draws top, to finish loads off. I want to avoid protracted sessions. So I wajt to play around and see how I can tackle this. I may try a higher temp (600-650) uncapped, faster draw.
Have to say I love using the controller! I never saw any instructions, it is my first ever controller, Im not a tech wizard AT ALL, quite a dummy in fact. But...I can use the controller no problems just switching it on, temp up and down! Simple!

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