Do we have the first mobile Flowerpot?
I showed the set-up to my mum last night she wants to try it! Take it anywhere in the house just like that!
I'm having it all- bowl sticking, abv flying out out the bowl removing capped Showerhead to clear draw, blowback and abv crumb through top of Showerhead, bowl sticking!(got options though), controller overshoot etc etc...
I have followed the whole thread, but I guess there is only one way to learn, right?

Just got to dive right in, as if you know nothing. Currently have the EQ basket screen in the 14mm male stubby bowl and glass reducer, preheated bowl, playing witht the cap...
I set up a mirror to watch the FC 186 in daylight, and I don't see much vapor in the tube, it is there but no whitewall... but boy does a lot come out! Quite bizarre and very deceptive.
The medicating power is incredible. And very economnicsl as well. The amount I vaped yesterday- and the level of effects I have had overnight and this morning is on another level to anybother vapes I have used recently (and Im sure EVER in fact)- from the amount of material I used!!
Less than usual. An edible dose as well, but that is normal. I got good sleep like never, not much but I havent felt a buzz like his from a vaporzer since I can recall. (specifically from the amount of weed), and the "highness" of the high as well.
I am trying to! Verdamper, Supreme, Aromed, Herborizers (XL,Ti), and some more...
Biggest issue at moment is dialing setup to minimise respiratory aggravation. It started out surprisingly well last night at 550 preheated bowl. Amazing effects from 2 lomg draws. Light wasn't ideal, it was hard to look down into the FC 186 while drawing to see the vapor.
I had the best, most satisfying and most uplifting high from a vaporizer since poor memory serves. It didn't feel like I have even taken any vapor in so I didn't think I would get enough effect, the ABV was a kind of army camouflage green colour but very even, from a 0.15 g load of sativa Think Different.
The 18 mm male bowl was SUPER stuck in the 186! I didnt want to try force or tact, being so tired.
It was at least 10 minutes before it freed, I laid back for some minutes thinking I needed more and was stunned by how high I was!
I was kind of "above" everyhthing! Haven't felt that from weed for years!
I was so high and not really aware at all of any respiratory discomfort. First time I used the Herborizer Ti it was the other way around- the level of discomfort far outweighed the high which didn't come close to this affect.
Bowl free, I crumbled and controller at 620. Again, incredibly smooth going in, more visible, and def exhaling a lot of potency I felt.
One clear observation- the vapor is so diluted that it is deceptive because you don't realise how much you were taking in. I'm also sure that this is the key to the potency. My hippie Mum always used to swear they got more stoned from longer joint because they were taking in more air.
But at 620 I also some noticeable respiratory aggravation immediately. I did also cap the bowl at points to finish that bowl. My methods were loose, light was poor, I was severely exhausted before I even got going, and I can be a little kamikaze as well.
Dropped to 600- 0.05 g Auto Colorado Cookies:
At 600, slower inhale- very visible vapor, incredibly smooth and easy to hold in without feeling it inside (again deceptive)...
tons of visible vapor exhaled under a light! It goes on forever like passengers leaving a train station!

Lungs still feeling irritated at this temp (but once significance aggravation has occurred it will last for a while anyway).
575 next

- bigger bowl of Cookies (indica)- Long medium draw rate, denser vapor LOTS exhaled! 3 big hits. Hard to see in tube still. AMAZING flavour all 3 hits...
On reflection I think I overdid it! So deceptive how much you take in with the airflow.
And..I lnow you said "wide open", but this is RIDICULOUS! There is LESS airflow with showerhead NOT attached!

I dont think I can handle giant lung busting draws which I'm sure I got without monitoring properly.
Consequently I did have a very bad chest overnight and starting today. I'm sure I need to just play with the variables now exactly as
@emmdeemo has done, to find my own personal sweet spot and balance between effects and irritation (I really am SO sensitive).
I suffered a lot overnight but sleep was the deepest, best quality ever- for me!
And I was still so relaxed this morning despite my chest being so bad and in no hurry or need to medicate again soon. This is exactly the effect I need in a vaporizer where the next day I could be happy to go without until the evening and be perfectly comfortable and motivated.
I experienced this with the herborizer ti but I'm sure this is a notch above effect wise. Last time I tried the Ti I used twice as much weed and didn't come close to this buzz! Just an observation.
So- an hour ago- 14mm male stubby bowl/reducer- EQ basket screen (not even sure which one to be honest

). Perfect fit. Bowl preheated no cap, filled basket with Sativa Durban- 550:
In mirror, barely vapor hardly visible. Medium slow draws, part capped. 1 and half bowls...
For now- a LOT more comfortable in lungs! Actually feeling good and high, without mind preoccupied with irritation!
A good sign, especially when my chest didn't feel up to it- slowly recovering from last night.
Effects of very nice and although the vapor was barely visible on inhale, very long exhales of visible and substantial vapor coming out!
Basket screen working well, but tricky to empty, stir etc (spills onto rim):
I best stop! Lots more thoughts to come in pieces. Forgetting now and tired, need food!