@emmdeemo great videos above man. It is nice to see flower only clips where you can see the potential of the Flowerpot, when concentrates are added you are obviously going to get dense whitewalls, but your clips above show how well flower only works.
I am a bit confused by those temp charts- I mean, compared to most users, your style has been fairly low temp right? So to be at temos higher than ALL of the active compounds...
Surely that would be a less healthy and far less efficient method of ingestion? And you would be lacking the majority of medicinal benefits plus more benzene....that part is the only "bummer" on the chart actually- there ALWAYS has to be some little catch doesn't there?
And ironic that you also get other medicinal compounds at even higher temps than benzene starts.
So there must be more complex chemistry going on here, whereby the compounds are efficiently and healthily vaporized without being degraded or boiled off too quickly.

Not sure how to say it really. But temps that high have amazing effects but a bit wasteful in some ways at times, (boiling off so many lower temp actives too aggressively), and those are the maximum temps you would push a vaporizer to. It doesn't seem like you could get close to combustion there either?
I realise that in your videos above (which I really appreciated seeing how flower alone shines and how easily too) the bowl pre-heat is surely a factor. I wonder how much this approach would contribute to bowl sticking issues? Could be the only downside maybe?
All very interesting anyway

, I will read though a lot of your reports when I have my own feel.
Right I must go back to bed, well hectic and bizarre day yesterday that began terribly, got worse and then ended in bliss! Hardly sleep time though, and vapcaps which was lovely at first, knowing that there might be a slightly better option to the Omnivap quite soon

But I tire very quickly of the Vapcap due to the draw restriction. It just becomes hard work.
And takes focus and guesswork to dial in the healthier vapors consistently and still achieve fast extraction and big hits.
THIS is a huge aspect of the Flowerpot- its dialability! And your own experiments
@emmdeemo are a demo of exactly that. Right, back to bed for a while- good morning!