angular ocelot
Well-Known Member
the myth of the eight hour sleep,
Day 81Not dreaming is the no. 1 reason I vape. I do semen retention and get wet dreams when I'm on a long streak. I'm currently on day 81 and I've never made it this far sober.
I've been doing this for years, the benefits are tremendous! It increases testosterone and motivation. It makes you more attractive and more social.
I'm not saying it's healthy long term but for me it's worth it.
Not dreaming is the no. 1 reason I vape. I do semen retention and get wet dreams when I'm on a long streak. I'm currently on day 81 and I've never made it this far sober.
I've been doing this for years, the benefits are tremendous! It increases testosterone and motivation. It makes you more attractive and more social.
I'm not saying it's healthy long term but for me it's worth it.
I do remember my dreams more often when I'm t breaking, but I always took it like that → it's not that I'm not dreaming or dreaming less when I'm consuming, I'm just having a harder time remembering dreams. From what I know it would have a very bad impact if we would actually not dream even for a few days, although I'm not sure where I read that and if it's still considered to be true.
I'm not an expert when it comes to sleep, but I do monitor my sleep since a few weeks (light sleep, deep sleep, REM, breathing frequencies, heart rates etc.) and the numbers I get are pretty much within normal ranges. Will be interesting to see if and how they change when I have my next t break.
As a runner I do take various supplements, esp. an isotonic magnesium & vitamin mix including some B vitamins.(B6/magnesium is pretty crucial for it !)
Instead of the B vitamins, Try some decaf green tea before bed I definitely noticed having some vivid dreams. I kind of wonder if its a bad idea to take the vitamins right before bed. Do you think you might be putting some strain on your kidneys taking vitamins right before bed ? Pretty sure vitamins give you way more MG then what your body can take in at once. Then you excrete what you dont need when you pee. If you go right to sleep I wonder if that has any kind of negative effect. If your taking that much B before bed your urine must be radioactive looking in the morning.Hi there. I studied dreams a bit, and the fix to dreaming while using Marijuana, is to take B-100 vitamins (1-2 per day is nice)
I even got some friends to take 3-4 B100s at once, and could get them into a "hypnosis-dream" state, about 30 minutes later , while they were also high on weed and drank a couple beers (it in the middle of the night, so at a good time for dreams, not in the day ! ) . Obviously, MMJ still disturbs the sleep cycles, but the added B vitamins really make the dreams kick off easier, as it plays on serotonin (B6/magnesium is pretty crucial for it !) To add to the B100, calcium/magnesium supplements are great... or just eat Bananas !
Have noticed on heavier consumption days that my resting heart rate is quite a bit higher than days with a more normal consumption.