is a legit online retailer now.
I don't think so man ... at least nothing on their web site indicates that ... nor the list of published places where one will be able to buy in each province ...
I'm guessing since there will be huge shortfalls in supply (at least that's what's expected), and since they haven't gotten around to regulating edibles nor concentrates, the grey market will continue to thrive; sales might actually go up in some respects! The prices I saw on the one site up already were in the $12-$15 range / g. $100 quarters on there!
Prices seem to be inline with what LP's are charging + about 10-30% + the additional 10-12% excise tax.
I'm already paying I guess ~20-40% more buying from an LP vs mail order ... once it's in the range of 60-100% more than what one can get of quality from a MoM ... I can't see that being feasible. People will pay more for consistent, tested, reliable product (for the most part), but there is a limit ... and that would typically be in the 10-30% range I would expect ... much beyond that and it's just too much.
Just my 2 cents.
I got an e-mail earlier in the week from Broken Coast, saying my cost / gram was going up essentially 10-11% because of the cannabis excise tax (passing it on to their customers since they have no control over it but encourage their customers to sign petitions etc ...

Hats off to Aurora though ... they have a price of $9/gram across the board, which is reasonable for the quality and consistency and non-gamma irradiated nor e-beam sterilized ... pesticide free ... I've been very happy with their Ghost Train Haze which is my staple anyways ...
So I was very worried Aurora would be jacking their price too ... but got an e-mail from them today indicating they would be absorbing the excise tax, and even indicated they hope to share additional benefits exclusive to medical patients as well in the coming months

... much better ... especially considering how much they stand to make in the rec market! Least they can do is subsidize medical patients increasing costs due to unfair taxation ...
Way to go Aurora and shame on you Broken Coast!!!!