Camouflet Injector


Well-Known Member
High moment 🤣🤣 you sound like you know more about what I'm saying than I do. Yes, I'm trying to figure out if the injector pairs well with the Inductor.
It sure does!
Like if it actually works well enough to compare to other ball vapes
It sure does! I'm not sure it would keep up with every one of them in terms of back-to-back, unreheated hits, and because it's unregulated temps range with the application of heat/technique. It can be extremely powerful but it's also pretty forgiving. I have never torched a bowl with it, but it does tend to roast darker than I generally prefer, but I am still learning it myself.

That said, I have others that are refined to perform better in some ways--and they do--but the Injector is a fine vape in its own right. I would happily use this alongside or in place of many of mine.
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Grass Yes

Staff member
This one will be a little different as it's not expected to retain heat in the same way that gem matrices do but I've never noticed any shortfall during a hit. It doesn't cool as quickly as you'd think, but it does reheat very quickly. For my use style, it's as functional as any ball vape more or less.
I'm currently playing with the Injector and I'm trying to dial it in for it's best performance. I don't have an Inductor so I'm using a 20mm enail coil. My preference is for wireless hits, and it sounds like you've got that going. Can you tell me what temp you're running your PID controller and how long you heat?

I still intend to test with a wired coil and a torch, but I'm hoping near ball vape performance is achievable wirelessly.
Grass Yes,


Well-Known Member
I'm currently playing with the Injector and I'm trying to dial it in for it's best performance. I don't have an Inductor so I'm using a 20mm enail coil. My preference is for wireless hits, and it sounds like you've got that going. Can you tell me what temp you're running your PID controller and how long you heat?

I still intend to test with a wired coil and a torch, but I'm hoping near ball vape performance is achievable wirelessly.
I have my DC PID at 440F, but I think it's got a significant offset. I hit it within 7 or 8 mins. I'm using an SBL bowl, ABV is golden brown. I don't really use it this way a lot so I'll have to play around with it a bit myself. I think I was using different pipes previously with somewhat different results.

What temps have you been using? Have you tried it mounted in a coil? Torch?
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Grass Yes

Staff member
What temps have you been using? Have you tried it mounted in a coil? Torch?
I've been playing around with it. I started out with it at around 450 and worked my way up to 550. Unfortunately for me, it loses heat before the bowl is finished. So I'm experimenting with overheating and letting it cool a bit, like a banger

Torch or mounted coil is up next, but I haven't given up on wireless yet.

Thanks for the tips!


Well-Known Member
I've been playing around with it. I started out with it at around 450 and worked my way up to 550. Unfortunately for me, it loses heat before the bowl is finished. So I'm experimenting with overheating and letting it cool a bit, like a banger

Torch or mounted coil is up next, but I haven't given up on wireless yet.

Thanks for the tips!
We've found that 550-600F with a 5-10 minute heat soak when pairing with and enail coil is ideal for darker roasts. You'll want to adjust temperature settings slightly according to your draw speed and the depth of the screen in the bowl you're using. A smooth/steady draw is recommended, if you'd like to use lower temps try slowing your draw speed.

Here's some Injector and Banger highlights from Sneaky Pete's recent livestream. 🦾⚡



Feel like I’m winnin’ when I’m losin’ again
Really enjoying the Injector on its maiden voyage with me tonight, and it fits my Ed’s TNT injector bowl like a glove. I like the handle, good shape and the raw finish makes it nice and grippy. I do think the jamnut style might be a little fiddly for some users to perform long term maintenance, or simple tighten jobs.

25.5 on the Inductor dial, 15 sec initial, 8 sec reheat has been a-okay for me :)

ETA: I’ve also been popping Injector onto Phatpiggie’s TA heat sink because it’s there and it works. Fair notice if you leave it on the heat sink for a while it will get quite warm.
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Grass Yes

Staff member
Really enjoying the Injector on its maiden voyage with me tonight, and it fits my Ed’s TNT injector bowl like a glove. I like the handle, good shape and the raw finish makes it nice and grippy. I do think the jamnut style might be a little fiddly for some users to perform long term maintenance, or simple tighten jobs.

25.5 on the Inductor dial, 15 sec initial, 8 sec reheat has been a-okay for me :)
How many bowls do you get before you need a reheat?

Grass Yes

Staff member
Bowls? No, 1-2 pulls. Fast heat up, fast heat down. But how many other thermal heads can go from 70°F to milky vape in 15 seconds :)
This interesting. I was finding the same thing using a wireless e-nail coil. Trying lots of stuff to get it to hold heat like a ball vape, but I think it's time to give up on that. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
been enjoying the injector. I heat it with a blazer big shot and temp step with it…adding 10 seconds of heat every hit. careful with your fingers though

it does not have the same heat capacity as a ball vape but it can definitely still pack a punch. signature is more like a tinymight on steroids

i pair it with a tiodw injector bowl with the screen adjusted pretty close to the bottom of the injector. great heat transfer to add some radiant heat to the bowl

the injector needs a solid burn off before use, as it smelled of factory oil upon few few heat ups. the bamboo handle is roughly finished…not sure if this was purposeful for grip, but i am not a fan


Well-Known Member
yo i forgot to like actually do a review lol

The Injector is great. It is fantastic. That tells you nothing, but it is the truth, and should be set at the outset.

Disclosure: I have never used other injector-style vapes. I have used the Stunner extensively as a portable ball vape, but never injectors. The main reason is I do not want to have an injector head that is always hot, or that takes several minutes to heat up. My lifestyle is not conducive to a superheated chunk of metal living on my desk at all time, so something that instead heats up on-demand and then is able to cool down within a few minutes is my best option (although enclosed heating elements are also an option and I plan on getting some of those in the future). I also wanted something that was relatively compact and could easily placed on a desk magnet without having the handle protrude too much, and most injector-style ball vapes I've seen are just too big for my desktop space.

For me, the Injector with the Inductor is about the perfect injector device. I set my inductor at 27v. put it right on the little dot thing, and count to 18 (not seconds). That makes for an absolutely perfect terpy hit; not the thickest cloud in the world, but certainly no slouch. I reheat for a 10-count and then I go for two back-to-back lungbusters, stirring in between each hit. Those second and third hits turn my Orb white with milk and still taste absolutely delicious, and my herb comes out even and without hotspots unless I'm really stoned and keep counting til like 25 to start. It is also nice and forgiving since you can start with a slower draw to make sure you didn't overheat and the heating matrix is open as hell.

I've used it with my Convector XL as a bowl and with a Sticky Brick injector bowl (thanks @coolbreeze for the recommendation!). Both are great, although I find I prefer the Sticky Brick--the added depth makes it easier to stir without knocking herb out. The SB also collects reclaim like nobody's business and I am a stem melk gal. However, while I was waiting for the SB, the Convector was a great placeholder. (I also still use my Convector plenty at a complete vape.)

I hit two bowls writing this and now I have no clue what else I was going to add. It is effective. It is space-conscious for those with less free desktop. It was, quite literally, made for the Inductor. It is able to be heated in a variety of ways so you can still use it perfectly fine if your Inductor breaks (Heaven forbid). It cools quicker than a ball vape without sacrificing on enough heat retention for a few hits, and it reheats insanely quickly, meaning it is MUCH better for people with curious animals/kids and/or those of us who are too clumsy to function. And it comes from a company who is just starting out and has demonstrated some great customer service and genuinely innovative ideas (please please please don't sell to a weed conglomerate or private equity firm for a while).

Oh, and I purchased during 420 sales after I had already spent my marked dry powder on an Inductor/Convector XL because Camouflet decided to include factory-second Convectors. Far too good a deal to pass up given how much I was liking my Inductor/Convector XL. I don't buy much at full price, but damn, I would spend retail on this if I didn't already have one.


Well-Known Member
I had posted this in the wrong thread lol
Wow this Inductor has some power, I just paired it with the Camouflet Injector
and it performs really well, I was not expecting that from the injector lol

btw: the Camo Injector and the OWW Infinity Bowl is a perfect match
it seals and sits in the Infinity bowl like it belongs there lol
See Injector and Infinity bowl here!
really enjoying thie Inductor so far!



Well-Known Member
Has anybody tried the Injector with an Elev8r glass bowl? How is the fit?
Yes, the Injector will fit in the Elev8r glass bowl but the screen placement in the bowl is quite deep.

For those who have asked for a bowl to pair with their Injector, we now have the Injector glass bowls listed on the Camouflet website!
Two options are available, the Standard Glass Bowl with Handle or the Glass Bowl with Pass through Glass Plug. The Glass Bowls use a stainless steel mesh screen and have an optimal screen depth for pairing with the Camouflet Injector.

Injector Glass Bowl Link -


Well-Known Member
Here's a new review video of the Injector & Inductor by Lee aka TableTopBong. Enjoy! :popcorn:

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