Camouflet Convector


New Member
Hi all, just wondering if anyone could confirm the diameter of titanium Convector cap for me? I have a customer who'd like one of my cooling stands sized for it. Thanks in advance ✌
I really like the stand you made me for the tornado!

One thing to note with the cxl is the friction fit of the cap, rather than a threaded mechanism. If you’re pulling your cxl up, you don’t want the magnet to be too strong!

I have a non-enclosed magnet solution that i use for hot sticks that I need to slide the tip off the magnet so I can safely lift for the puff without losing a cap. It’d be interesting to see an enclosed design that has that sort of slide ability off the magnet .. with a ramp out on one side or something for sliding so you’re not pulling apart your cap and top.


cantre member
so, after necessarily intermittent (over-medicated) testing, I found the UFO induction heater is the perfect match to the convector cap, twice as fast as the wand, I use the ufo like lighting a joint, then 5-7 seconds to tasty pure convection hits, with 3second reheats! using an inverted mesh bowl screen to maintain 1/2 bowl. wand seems finicky and slow in comparison. Strange as I usually save ufo for SS tips because Ti tips tend to combust easily in ufo. Since the convector only needs to insert just the tip, heat build up to burning is avoided.


cantre member
I've also found the convector cap works great on my vong tips for easier 1/2bowl dosing, want to pick up a ss cap to compere.
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New Member
Absolutely. The regular Convector fits on a 10mm, so you may need an adapter for a 14mm or 18mm piece. The Convector XL fits on a 14mm glass piece.
One piece of advice: Don't hit it too hard, or you will likely combust. Easy does it :-)
Does it click like Dyna?


For any others that had trouble getting a hang of using the wand, check out Lee at TTB's technique -

He mentions that for the regular (non XL) Convector he puts it in for 7 seconds, can confirm that it works for me.
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