@ fried ricey- nup, its a crock.
why didnt this enlightened soul actually do anything when he was in office? He promised a medical cannabis trial when he was premier & never delivered. But people like tony bowers of Mulloway medical cannabis are being arrested still for a non psychoactive tinture he gives to cancer patients which is virtually devoid of THC?
The best Bob Carr could do was open the safe injecting room in kings cross (because his own brother died of a heroin OD in the very early 80's.) which is great from a harm minimalisation POV, but I just cant hold him up as a poster boy when he had his chance & made promises, but never delivered.
He is a fucking useless tosser who currently holds one of the highest & most desired public positions in the country as this countries foreign minister, who has been elected by no-one BTW. He fucked NSW over when he was in charge, and now the whole australian public will get to see just how hopeless he is.
As much as I welcomed the reports findings. I was very dismayed to see several figures who were responsible for the report are previous holders of very esteemed public office who could have made a difference on this subject when they held those previous positions.
in fact I find it hypocritical to see these people make these reccommendations when they did, but actuall said & did very little when they held office & could actually have made a real difference to the world instead of these post career hindsights.
again, while I think its awesome that its being discussed & debated in the mainstream media, I also think it is a great pity their careers appeared to have been more important than the wholesale criminalisation of anyone who used cannabis while they were in office.
Bob Carr in particular had his chance, and he sold us out for votes.
fuck him I say & the horse he rode in on.
I will get off my soapbox now, I have to make room for the reverend Dingus Mcfinger & his sermon to save our immortal souls.