Oh boy! I'm not just vaped..... I've been Vapman vaped! Holy cow! This little thing is much too easy to under estimate.
I might have gotten carried away trying out too many different kinds of cannabis with my new little buddy.
But I regret nothing!

@Enchantre thank you for helping me to decide on my new portable. As far as I'm concerned, this is a portable to match the effectiveness of my E-Nano. Now I've got to decide if I keep my Firefly now that it has a new battery or find a new home for it to further fuel the VAS? It does have a use for time when a flame, especially a torch, would be inappropriate, but even with the new battery, I'm just too spoiled by heavier hitters.....
I might have gotten carried away trying out too many different kinds of cannabis with my new little buddy.
But I regret nothing!

@Enchantre thank you for helping me to decide on my new portable. As far as I'm concerned, this is a portable to match the effectiveness of my E-Nano. Now I've got to decide if I keep my Firefly now that it has a new battery or find a new home for it to further fuel the VAS? It does have a use for time when a flame, especially a torch, would be inappropriate, but even with the new battery, I'm just too spoiled by heavier hitters.....