Been a hectic few days. Bumped on each and every one, moreso than usual if that were possible. Even conbusted a couple of times (someone was passing me joints outside of the local Legion New Years Eve celebration - it's nasty, but you can't say no without seeming rude, right?
We live a bit isolated from 'people'. We have more animals than naighbours in the area, so we try to include the nicer ones in the occasional event. This event was the great New Years Day bonfire (a few dozen pallets and trees), hotdog burn and fireworks extravaganza. I've had 2 HUGE boxes of Costco fireworks that have spent the last 2 years stored under ideal conditions - in a steel box, outside, subjected to temperatures ranging from +45 to -50 Celsius... we expected a few duds...
So blasted tons of them! A few were a bit of a swizz, and a few blasted much higher than we anticipated. We jammed them in the snow, and when they would start blasting the aim would change, so we had a few people in the audience jumping for cover every now and then.
So we cleaned up, and someone got the bright idea to throw all the used paper and cardboard from the fireworks into the fire. A couple of people got twitchy and moved 4 or 5 inches further away, but absolutely nothing happened, so we all continued visiting, eating and hanging around the fire. A couple of little *pops* and *whistles* got people jumping away for a minute, and then giggles and 'phew, that was close', when it started to really whistle and fired another 1/2 dozen rockets a long way away over the pond.
We did save the '72 shot screamer' that didn't really fire. At the end, when we were walking back to the vehicles, it got dropped right on top of the fire, and after 4 minutes of burning started shooting rockets in every direction, which was really cool! The only injury was someones car that got dinged with one. It was the local fire chief's car, so we figured that was the safest place to hit.
May 2016 be your best one yet. Do things that seem a bit dangerous, because there is a better than average chance you'll get away with it, and by staying aware of the risks helps to avoid them. Surround yourself with people who think like you do and you'll always have fun. And thanks to all at FC for making it the great place that it is