Wife and I laid down on the big boy bed around six just to spend some time together while i rested my back. It was just so nice to spend that quiet time together, but I fell asleep and woke up around 1:00 am in extreme pain, having missed my evening medications. Fortunately, we have come up with a plan for these times, and we shuffled my little floor mattress out to the living room where I could do whatever I needed to get back in shape even if it meant being up all morning.
This is a time to break out the thermonuclear stuff, so i went with the super-critical CO2 Harlequin oil on a cotton ball with the E-Nano turned up a bit past 8. I even pasted a rice sized grain of the dark goo onto the inside of my gums for some sub-lingual effect since this stuff is significantly activated as is.
I was able to go from tears to subdued and relaxed in about 30 minutes, with immediate relief once I had spent a few minutes vaping that oil.
This is the perfect example of how my MMJ use works as a part of my pain management plan to keep myself exposed to the lowest amount of narcotic pain medications as possible. Without potent high CBD MMJ, I would have had to take additional opiates for the breakthrough pain, bumping up my tolerance which would cause me to need even more later in the day and in the future. But with my war chest of concentrates and various THC and CBD/other products, I am able to pull the emergency brake and get back under control without causing further problems.
My friends back in Alabama think it must be awesome to be able to use legal MMJ all day long as I need to, but to be honest, I'd rather just use it for fun and relaxation a couple times a week instead. But that's a silly thing to complain about, now isn't it ?