Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Perfect amount for my Jyarz Classic.
Ha ha. I grind and put it in a Jyarz Classic as well. Doing that, I often only have to grind every few days.
Perfect amount for my Jyarz Classic.
Durability. The anodizing will wear in high contact areas over time as it's impossible to keep the pieces from bumping into each other. You pay big bucks for that though since it's much harder (literally) to machine.what might be the benefits of a stainless steel one over the aluminum?
While I confess that I have no conditions that would make me particularly sensitive to issues of weight and grip, I can say that have not noticed any apprecialbe differences in weight and how it affects the feel in my hand between the SS Flower Mill (whose milling part attached to the cap has some significant mass) and the medium sized BCG. So I'm not sure that for something of this size a switch to SS would be that consequential from a weight point of view. But I could be wrong. Lots of assumptions embedded in my comments above.
Ah. Thought FM was 100% SS. That helps explain it. Listen to this guru, not me.Yeah, I have a UMG, which is completely steel (FM is aluminum outer) and it is noticably much heavier than BCG!
Hey folks! I wanted to give everyone my long term review of this grinder , which I've been meaning to do for quite some time, but life...
Alright, I've had this grinder now since shortly after it was first launched, I got the 3 plate in onyx.
I've been grinding since (not proud of this) I was an early teenager, I'm now I'm my late 30's. I've had hundreds of cheap grinders and dozens and dozens of over priced "premium" grinders. I don't even want to know how much I've wasted over the years
Every.single.one.was.trash compared to the brilliant cut.
I don't care if you've paid hundreds for a "premium" grinder recently from one of the many other higher end grinder companies, they won't, don't and can't compare to this grinder. This grinder is in another league of it's own.
This is a TRUE premium grinder.
The feel in material is phenomenal, this finish is second to none, the weight feels premium (notice how I didn't use quotations) and it preforms like none other.
While I prefer to shuck my buds from the stem before grinding for not only preserving the teeth edges but also flavor and so on, my wife doesn't, because she doesn't care, so often times, she'll throw in a bud with an old growth forest tree sized stem in it, jam the top on and just start grinding. All you hear is a couple of crackles from the stem being demolished like it was going through a wood chipper while still feeling like you're grinding a shucked bud.
It's smooth, as in, drown in mineral oil smooth. I haven't cleaned it once. Let me repeat that...I haven't cleaned it once. It just doesn't allow for enough build up. It's STILL just as smooth as the day it arrived.
My wife and I grow our own, which means we have more than we can smoke/vape. We've probably put about 5 pounds of flower material through it so far, maybe more? All I've had to do is scrape some buildup off of the bottom chamber magnet so that it'll close evenly. I don't know how that works with all that material ranging from fresh super sticky to long cured perfect 62RH flower.
It's durable. It's been on camping trips and tons of back country adventures. The finish is still like new and there's no scratches. I'm sure if dropped on rock or concrete there would be a gouge, but I haven't dropped it...yet.
The engineering thought put into this grinder, while seemingly simple, isn't, and you'll see that when you sit and compare the geometry of the teeth and the teeth placement compare to another "premium" grinder.
The magnets are strong, they provide a satisfying snap when brought together. I've gained this sort of muscle memory where when I'm done removing the ground material from the bottom chamber, I grab the top half (top and grinder plate attached) and hover it over top of the bottom chamber which, due to the magnets, sucks the bottom chamber into place, if you will, but sometimes doesn't because the guide notches around the magnets meet, but because the magnets are strong enough, it still holds together and that's when I automatically tap one side of the bottom chamber with a free finger from the same hand and it just snaps into place. Super fun to do and makes you feel fancy.
I'd like to try the course plate one day and also buy a second grinder for when I go on boys weekends with my friends so I don't leave my wife with nothing. Currently she won't let me leave the house with it unless we're going on a trip together.
I'm SO glad I found this grinder, its solved literally every issue I've ever had with traditional grinders. The stupid threading, cheap materials, over wearing teeth, crappy teeth placement and geometry and of course, the sticky buildup that eventually turns into cement glue.
This grinder is 100% worth the money. It was a lot of money for me to justify at first, but then again, I purchased a Volcano vaporizer. You get what you pay for and I like things that last. Buy once cry once folks. This grinder WILL last you for life.
I won't be checking replies, I just wanted to come here and give my long term review and opinions because years ago, this is where I discovered this amazing grinder and wanted to give back what I got outta this thread.
Cheers and happy grinding everyone!!!
Thanks for the pics. There's some significant wearing here.Keep your BCGs brushed and clean, folks. It's an amazing grinder for sure, but physics can and will catch up with you eventually.
The magnets are strong, they provide a satisfying snap when brought together. I've gained this sort of muscle memory where when I'm done removing the ground material from the bottom chamber, I grab the top half (top and grinder plate attached) and hover it over top of the bottom chamber which, due to the magnets, sucks the bottom chamber into place, if you will, but sometimes doesn't because the guide notches around the magnets meet, but because the magnets are strong enough, it still holds together and that's when I automatically tap one side of the bottom chamber with a free finger from the same hand and it just snaps into place. Super fun to do and makes you feel fancy.
10 weeks and counting....
Dude.. what have you been grinding in there?! Looking gnarly haha.Keep your BCGs brushed and clean, folks. It's an amazing grinder for sure, but physics can and will catch up with you eventually.
What an Odissey my dudeI just got shipping notification!!!!
May the 4th be with me indeed!
What was your order date? Still no word on mine since order confirmation on 2/28.I just got shipping notification!!!!
May the 4th be with me indeed!
2/16 my dude.What was your order date? Still no word on mine since order confirmation on 2/28.
I've got an order for a silver medium on Feb the 26th (9 weeks) and still not a peep.What was your order date? Still no word on mine since order confirmation on 2/28.
Show? Yes. But the wear will still be there.I wonder if the silver would be less likely to show the same wear and tear.
The “showing” is the part that will bug me. I think. That being said, the colors are nice.Show? Yes. But the wear will still be there.