well done mrb. Since I posted that, I got a Square. And the issue of material on the CFV heating element reared its ugly head. So I put it on the back burner. But now my :: is headed back to Haze for more warranty work, I took the CFV apart to try and inspect the heating element but determined that separating the inner and outer core of the element was highly invasive and a procedure likely to fail in my hands. I'm not sure if Randy was able to get his CFV back together after his PIU teardown.
If you ever get around to changing the airflow at the heater, please post as you did for the battery b/c I really like how my cfv performs. Simple convection vaping without all the guesswork is a little harder to find then I thought.
but good news is that boundless announced yesterday that they are expecting some tera v3s tmrw, shipping june 1 and hopes to start CFV upgrade mid July.
OOOOOoooo Good news for new Tera in stock. I'd still get one and have my CFV as a backup. Yeah, after looking at his teardown it seemed a bit complex. I'll post again if I work on that, maybe after I get a tera so I can actually tear it apart without worry.
Yeah at 400f ish I get 5/6 good vapes out of it now. I just got them modded a few days at most, but it is noticeable. Cause that battery life is trash, sorry. haha Just trash.
What keeps me on this and not wanting another is that it seems as the only pure convection vape. I say pure because of the plastics and materials used, they do not absorb heat like many other devices with ceramic or metal bowls. It's got a super quick heat up, and with the EQ baskets it's a dream. I can honestly say the only downside I've had (outside of modding) is the battery, everything else is extremely satisfying.
I also was smoking quite a bit of dry, huge tolerance and a single bowl from this works very well. I also came from the early days of e-cigs, where you kind of bought a device off it's ability to mod and preform. At least I got really used to customizing mech mods and RDAs a lot. So I kind of see it as a normal thing, and this device has a lot to work with pretty easy. I'm thinking of cutting out the tinted plastic a bit and gluing in something more clear. In the day you can't see crap through that tinted window.
Boundless, sell different window tints and make it re-movable. It's the worst ever!
I'm also looking forward to getting a Tera and modding it.
As I was typing this, a quick idea came to mind. If the heating coil works as I think, you might just get away with removing a section of the bottom and gluing another tube of X diameter instead of removing the one and tearing it all apart.
The main issue in my mind though is that the heater coils have a specific amount of draw designed to only allow so much air in the chamber. So that the coils can heat the air properly, too much airflow and the coils would have to pump more heat. More heat, more power, however the device is probably amp limited. So the amount of power it produces is choked, so there's a heat cap. That sets an airflow cap. =( Best bet is you can increase the airflow but then the temp settings are going to be off when you draw. So if you were aiming at like 400F but really setting it to 445 you might have a little leway. Not much and not enough to really attempt it.
However if adding another tube works without major modification and gives a tiny bit more airflow without removing much internal resistance (major work there) then that's all you'd get but it would work. That would just require mind numbing work though. You'd have to pretty much guess what stuff to remove (I think it's a circle air path, so not hard guess work). Then poxy (no glue, poxy) another air hole and do bottom piece mods. I'm just not going to do that work because IMO the gain wouldn't justify the work or effort.
If I do another project soon, it would be the metal bowl and dremel work. =D I want less mass but retain the inside bowl completely. This does two things, reduces the amount of heat it absorbs and shortens the time it takes for it to fully absorb/discharge heat. I like it, but I can tell it's absorbing heat during a session and it's balls lame.
Anywho, those are my thoughts about the heating chamber. Convection and airflow are hard to really nail, as then you need sensors to boost power during draw and the boost gets more for whatever CFM you are moving through. It also may handle it but seriously destroy battery life which is already not good.