I received my cfv from vapefiend uk (I'm from uk) and my first impressions were not positive.
I don't usually pay much attention to burn offs but as I was doing mine and browsing the manual I noticed a ton of vapor coming off the bowl. ( mp wasn't attached) it was thick vapor and it wasn't stopping no matter what I done. I thought it was the wooden ring but I removed that and the screen in the bottom and vapor was still coming out. I was about 2 mins away from emailing vapefiend or boundless about this. But it all stopped. I let it run till the battery died and all was good.
I had my first bowl on 200 c and the hits did feel light and wispy but very flavorful. Not so much visible on exhale.
Then I thought it wasn't satisfying I need to try the max temp as I do on most my vapes. I was seshing while flicking through this thread when I read stickstones post about draw speed and how convection requires a little more tech.... boy was he right. I started hitting it for a lot longer that I usually hit my vapes but boy was I impressed. The flavor for me was very very very pure. I'm not sure if it's because it is a new vape but it tasted great. And another thing. It didn't make me cough at all. No matter how long my hits were. I'm usually a sipper and I hit my mighty cf and ssv in a similar manner. This one I need to take loooooonggggg draws but it's worth it. The long deep draws give me a deep extraction and helps with the browning of the herb.
Not once did the herb taste burned or even a little toasted. Lots and lots of terps.
I needed a portable convection to fill the hole in my collection I think I have now found it.
Oh yeah. The battery life wasn't the best. It's okay maybe because I was running it on max heat all the time but I got 3 full bowls before it dying on the 4th.a few times it had cooled right down and then heated up.
So my cfv is a a good vape so far. It is possibly my nicest tasting vape. It's been about an hour since my last bowl and I still have a sweet taste I'm my mouth.