Well, i agree with this but it's more that i don't want to end up with a lot of glasswork or (heaven forbid) with a case of growing GAS.
Ha! Well, thus the written detail, given only in an attempt to help the reader "free think" or envision the function, characteristics and possible use scenario(s), as I suck at making function vids, but still usually try to supply pics so you can at least see and not necessarily have to understand all or any the often abbreviated technical jargon mumbojumbo.
I don't have the money to invest in various pieces, don't really have the place to store different pieces (my cat will break them), i feel like i am more of a native user anyway but ideally i would just like to have one glass piece that is just a good basic working glass.
I totally understand all of this and was exactly how I felt looking for my first universal, simple, cheap bubbler, the Sneaky Pete mini-globe, which worked well for me and my DV for about 3 years until it simply fell apart on its own mid use and luckily by that time I purchased that even cheaper Puffitup Dewdrop rig, but I was never totally happy with it mostly cuz the mouthpiece is so low (and the perc is a little too high, but I can't do anything about that) that unless you're just burning a flower bowl, it puts the vape stuff up too high and close to your (my) face, in which case you should use a proper drop-down to lower everything and help move it away, cuz remember, the mouthpiece is fixed. Now the "can" or main body this bubbler uses relatively large diameter tubing (65mm) and has a recessed fixed 14mm "dewar" ground glass joint for the intake, going down to the showerhead circle percolator and it can be kinda hard to find decent quality, strong drop downs that will accommodate this can size without spending lots of money, so I detailed their (High Five) 90 degree claimsaver dropdown in the pics and post(s), as well.
I agree knowing the details will open my eyes but that might be part of the reason: i'm somewhat reluctant to jump in a rabbit hole and to end up buying piece after piece in search of my 'precious'.
I mean, i love some of the heady glass pieces but for the above reasons i would like to try to avoid them. Imagine i fall in love after seeing one on my table... The horror of GAS, just around the corner, watching me like a hawk..
If that makes any sense?
I love variety in my vapes and in my greens, don't get me wrong. But i would prefer to limit myself to a very basic glass set up. Something that works, nu fuss, no stars or diamonds or so... Just a working horse/glass, not a looker but a beater
The "rabbit hole" only exists if YOU make it so, and many often end up enjoying chasing said "hole", especially with cheap glass.... cuz it can be fun, and if you don't groove with something, just sell it or give it away.
Everything you say makes total sense. I think many when they first get into vaping (not saying this is the case with you in particular) want the same things; a single device that will accommodate all forms of vapable cannabis products, but in reality, despite the device marketing, they very rarely work well for both flower and concentrates, so sacrifices have to be made which is usually just a code word for inefficiency... and it's kinda similar with bubblers, very few styles work well with EVERYTHING. One style that does though, is a 3-piece bubbler, like the ones posted above. These pieces often do stand tall and this is where a dropdown can help, but they are much easier to find for intake joints that stick up above the can, rather than recessed like a dewar joint provides. They are all usually very stable, however, despite the height, cuz the foot, or base, is usually quite large, plus everything is very close to the center of gravity.
I am all about "work horse" devices and versatility, believe me, and found it with my Goo Roo 3-piece almost 3 years ago.... I love it every bit as much as the day I bought it, perhaps even more now. To me it provides extreme versatility, along with being super easy to clean for a relatively large piece. The mouthpiece is too high? Grab one you like better. Not happy with the stock perc, try a new one... at this point it's relatively cheap to make the changes and personalize YOUR device and experiences.... similar also to having a variety of different products to consume.... variety is the spice of life, and keeps it fun instead of feeling like work, or simply maintaining a "habit".
I love the the term "beater" and use it often... I also hope all or some of this detail and explanation is somewhat helpful, as I know I would've appreciated it when I first started looking for vape glass.
How is it where you are purchasing from Germany, cuz this place has some great 2 (fixed downstem) and 3-piece bubblers (when in stock of course) like this:
The Power Tower humidifies the vapor and cools it additionally. This gives you a better vapor feeling. Especially recommended when you need to cough :)
That users here here like
@Chicken No Name love and recommend.
I personally have always wanted one of these systems but the shipping to the US has always put it just out of reach for me:
The water filter humidifies the vapor and additionally cools it. This gives you a better feeling. Especially recommended when you need to cough :)
Looks to be very stable and versatile and if you don't like the stock mouthpiece or perc, just change it to any one you like from anywhere!