Pass through tech?Don’t remember the actual term but you can plug the Mighty in and use
No, the deciding factor and why I mentioned the Vapbong and the MiniVap is even vaporization, both are able to deliver very uniform hits throughout a session, while something like a Tinymight would try to extract everything in the first couple of hits. With some work you can make any vape move a bit more in one direction or another, but when I think of sipping, something more mellow and streamlined seems to be more appropriate. The Volcano, as mentioned by @invertedisdead, is actually a perfect example of what I mean.
Any vape can be a session vape but not every vape is on demand.
Seems to come down to bowl size\how often you have to reload it?
The bigger the bowl the bigger the individual hits are if the heat is delivered appropriately.
Other than that it comes down to your preferred method of consumption whip,direct,water piece of all and a few others.
Bigger has been consistently better if the quality of the device is high for me.
I am higher than a Georgia pine.
Plenty is the vape for me for long sessionsI sit at around 450f and get 1 or 2 hits per dab, 3 or 4 if I really load it up but any more and my terp balls send unvaped oil down the spout!
For a long session vape I use my Plenty, longest time between bowl refills in my collection but I save that for the end of the day because it usually ends me!
I like sipping on my WoodScents all day though, I can pack/unpack it in the dark without looking now after a bit of practice.
Plenty is the vape for me for long sessions
I haven’t read about the 6, but previous Supreme versions were heavy hitters! If you can afford to not sell the VC right away, you may find that there are times you still want to use it.
If you’re not getting at least pretty good results from your VC, try the “mouth pull) method where you suck on it like a straw very briefly a few times and then inhale what’s in your mouth. You can get a lot out of it that way and it’s easier on my throat than a long, slow, direct to lung pull.
Can you explain by not pulling until the click?Is any significant amount of material wasted if you don't pull until the click?
Is any significant amount of material wasted if you don't pull until the click?
That is one of my main issues with the VC; it is always cooking until around the cool-down click, and sometimes I’d rather just hit it once and put it down. The later it is in the cycle though, the lower the temp and the less it’s wasting.
With a small load like this, I wouldn’t feel too bad about stopping a little early (I never see much if any vapor if I take another draw close to the cool-down click), but I would expect to get 2-3 draws before it gets that cool.
You don’t have to worry about stopping for a few seconds in the middle though. You’ll get most of the vapor it’s producing on your next draw.
And if you really want to look after any lithium battery, wait until it cools before charging.if it goes dead, charge