Jack of all trades, master of none.
My two new pups! They are beautiful as always! Vintage Ash and a Bday vape. Thanks again @underdog and @underdogette ! I look forward to many years with them. Time to update my sig. 

I'm beginning to think you could possibly be right. That all I need to do is practice. Today I was able to achieve my best hit out of my waterpipe, although still not positive this is the case, I definitely medicated myself. I'm going to make sure instead of posting a new post with new results after using different material, that I will just edit this post. Sorry mods! Lol
wondering if e-nano gongs are compatible with underdog vape?
Sometime last week the promo was 10% for new customer and 5% discount to referral. Maybe I read wrong? Now I notice the promo ,is 10% for referral and store credit(assuming 5%)for new customer. But no worries,I purchased one anyways!!! In a couple days I will be vaping again!!! Many thanks!!
@underdogette referring to the o-rings for the core, please entertain my possibly ridiculous fear of the o-ring off-gassing due to the proximity to the heatcore. just how much heat can an o-ring take?
Your Awesome Thanx @underdogette ! that made it possible to pick up the tiny looking Goncalo I've been eyeing since you first posted it. now it will be a new vape Christmas. Makes me Happier then ya know.
I ordered a little 5-6 inch bubbler that I planned on using with the UD, it has yet to arrive though...I suspect it would provide the best results yet as it is the smallest surface area.
consequently he was unimpressed with the bong attachment, but he LOVED using the Nylon stem and was amazed at how little you utilized while still getting such big clouds. Likely will be ordering himself his own stem, and I'll probably invest in a NonG attachment as well as I like those metal tips a lot.
The "direct draw" method I will likely never be utilizing.
Across the board, I was pretty amazed at by how efficient this thing was.
I just received a beautiful small underdog. I tried it once and it runs very hot. I've read that some people leave theirs on all the time. Given how hot mine runs, I'm wary of leaving mine on very long because of safety. It would help if I could since the waiting time would be eliminated.
I'm getting a wong for it so that the stem will be cool but it's the ud itself that I'm concerned about.
I as well would like to know more about the glue, as well does the glue come off easily to disassemble the unit. Any reason to disassemble the unit ?
...I think Most of the Underdogs sold now are made of one type of wood. So no glue?