Whoa...I thought we were talking about what 'cartridges' (and tanks?) are best for distillate (and co2 oil? or whatever concentrate?) What happened here?
I am using a new Evic Two Mini & haven't changed to My Evic or Artic Fox yet.
Am I ok at 1.2 -1.3 ohms for tcr on my cCell cart & V9 with this mod?
You should be fine with a recently purchased vtwo mini with the newest firmware at 1.3Ω with the v9. With AF, you can manually input (and lock/save) the coil resistance down to 0.001's. When you randomly plug in any atty, the coil Ω the mod reads can fluctuate up or down some amount, and you don't want to plug in the V9 and see 1.45Ω and expect it to stay in TC, especially with stock firmware. (it may kick you out to watts mode that close to the limit)
Being able to used saved profiles that automatically switch as you change attys (smart mode) instead of having to manually change settings each time is very convenient on AF, and is lacking on myevic.
Do you think running a few refills of distillate will season the V9
with a little less metallic taste.
After 3 refills mine lost the metal taste and kinda seasoned.
I tried your settings on the original ccell & it fired in TCR mode but I had to let
off in a 2 seconds as high was way too big & harsh.
Any suggested adjustments on TCR ?
I haven't used my v9 enough to "season" one yet, that gives me a reason to use it more to see if i can achieve that

(only 1 fill in for me)
If you find your v9 tank
(or any atomizer) is hitting too hard / hot in temp control mode,
just try adjusting the temp setting first. (what coil Ω and temp was too harsh for you?) That's your primary point of adjustment in TC mode. As I plugged in the v9 across some different mods and got some various quality hits based on the little ccell's re-wicking rate through the small holes, I had to adjust the temp alot to get what I like.
I was able to get good clouds as low as 360 at first, but had to creep up to about 404F when I was rapidly chain-hitting it and the oil level was getting lower, wicking oil from only 1 or 2 of the 4 holes on the tank in between hits.
Then I switched to another mod later, and 390 was way to hot, although I didn't get a burned hit. Back to 370F and it was fine.

Play around with the temp before the watts and TCR.
8w makes the V9's ccell get warm instantly, you can do 6 or 7w for a slightly slower ramp up, more than 8 won't help anything. Try looking at your mod's screen (through the mirror?) when puffing the V9, it should flutter around 3-5w mid-puff.
I've been using one of these tanks for a few days, I think your thoughts are pretty much spot on to my findings. The most quirky issue I'm experiencing is the electrical contact does get interrupted sometimes when the concentrate solidifies on my test cart. I'm running extremely thick extracts though. Agreed the flavor is acceptable, not bad, not incredible; but considering the convenience afforded by the tank it works pretty well.
First I ran a gram of undiluted gooey concentrate through, now I've got a little shatter in the cart with 2 drops of El Nino terps. Just took two puffs after a preheat cycle on the battery and getting pretty good performance, even on the lowest setting. (2.7v) I'll have to try the cart in TC mode, it didn't even cross my mind to try, I just assumed it wouldn't work. I'll have to try your settings and compare the performance! Ironically, as much as I like my box mods, I seem to be getting better performance on the little stick battery. The preheat cycle seems to help a lot. The cart is extremely easy to load which is a huge plus!
So you're running straight rosin or shatter in the V9 tank, and psychonaut is putting straight rosin with no cuts? That is impressive for this cheap little thing that it can even work which that thick stuff, since that's not what it's even intended for, but then I'm not too surprised that your concentrate blocked the contact of the center post / tank bottom then.

How did this affect the use? Like it wouldn't fire up at all (atomizer short, low, etc.) or would fire too weak or too harsh with the bad contact? You could probably find out more by plugging it into one of your mods and monitor the live coil Ω, and maybe you can overcome some minor electrical contact issues with this tank by manually overriding the (too high) live contact with your profile's locked in, manual Ω (~1.2-1.3Ω)
First off, big thanks as always for reporting back your findings in such detail. Posts like this are what makes this forum so awesome!
However, I think it is a bit rough to say that chips which won't TC above 1 ohm are "crap". I think it is much more accurate when you point out that they are just "old".
For example, let's take a break-down of some mods that I have in front of me right now:
Joyetech eVic VTC Mini - TC 0.05-1.0 ohm
Hcigar VT75 - TC 0.08-1.0 ohm
Teslacigs Steampunk Nano 120W - TC 0.05-1.0 ohm
Joyetech eVic Primo - TC 0.05-1.5 ohm
Smok G-Priv - TC 0.05-2.0 ohm
As we can see sub-ohm was the previous standard to do anything related to TC.
I think you'd be hard pressed to call the temp control functionality of the DNA75 chips "crap". As well, the eVic VTC Mini is probably the most reliably and best bang for the buck mod I've ever used. Simply because they were designed to TC for sub-ohm coils doesn't make them bad mods. Emphasizing that these are older generation technology might be more fair?
Hey thanks for reading part of this stuff even. I may have been unduly harsh on TC mods that only limit to 1.0Ω, if only implicitly. I know about the DNA mods and many older mods from 2014-16 that have good functioning TC and TCR (and even more features) only go to 1.0Ω, so it would have been more accurate for me to say not to try to TC the v9 cart on
"older / more limited mods."
Also, being able to TC to 1.5 or even 2.0Ω doesn't guarantee that the mod's TC works well. You mention the smok g-priv, and although I haven't used any mods from that brand, I've come across at least 6-7 posts from different members just on this forum complaining the TC on various SMOK mods doesn't work well, or at all, on a variety of concentrate / dry herb attys. Maybe the TC for smok mods works better with traditional e-cig coils, or just really isn't that good at all?

So I'd avoid that brands' mods, even though their X-baby tank with RBA is great
Also, the good news is that it seems in some cases this may be fixed with a firmware upgrade. At least the latest firmware for the eVic VTC Mini claims to raise the TC resistance limit to 1.5 ohm. I believe this is the limit with the newer DNA75c as well. I'm not sure if you can firmware upgrade the older DNA75 to get this feature though.
I'll also point out that anecdotally I could never get the Smok to TC reliably above 1.0 ohms even though they claim it should work up to 2.0. As well, in my experience coil resistance seems to vary mildly from cart to cart. For example, the gen 2 vape710 distillate carts which are supposed to be 1.5 ohm would often be slightly above this (~1.6 ohm in my experience). This would break TC on the new Joyetech chip/firmware (eVic Primo Mini).
The upgradability on the joyetech/eleaf/wismec mods is a big plus to me

It's great how my oldest VTC minis from 2014 that only did 60w without TCR up to 1.0Ω when they were new can now push 75w with TCR (and much more with AF) up to 1.5Ω.
My TC experience with the V9 has been good, limited only by the inherent weaknesses of the little tank. The live Ω rises only from about 1.3 to 1.6 during vaping, not a huge delta, but plenty enough for the mod to calculate, act upon and control. Upon reaching temp, the Ω flickers only about +/- 0.02 during a puff, seeing about 3-5w ramping up and down rapidly.
Making small changes, 2 or 4F may not be noticeable, especially with the limited wicking rate and rapid puffs, but changing 6-10F, the change is quite noticeable and matches my intent. So it's not nearly as fine-tunable as a DTV3 or my cubis / X-baby donut tanks, which respond to fine adjustments.
At the minimum, TC on the V9 prevents burned up / overheated / dry hits, and lets you set a temperature with a meaningful degree of adjustability, so that's the very idea of TC mods! It works!
With regard to taste, I'm not surprised you find the taste lacking. You are a flavor chaser my friend!! Your ceramic donuts builds are gonna blow these standard white e-cig ceramics out of the water. This is why I am so sold on paying more money for the Trinity. The black ceramic/SiC that W9 uses just tastes so much better particularly over the long run. My first Trinity tank is still going strong and the flavor remains great. Unfortunately it is 20$ not 5$ per.
But yea, flavor on the little silica ccell, just ok, good, but not great.

A flavor chaser I am indeed! So my standards here are very high, I'm quite picky in this field, and I demand high vapor quality in general, my feeble body can't tolerate much less.
It's good to see the price is dropping on the trinity (V1) so that makes it more tempting and accessible to some people who were fence-sitting. I see that
trinities of the near-future will even have
top air flow! and a modular, replaceable center post / coil so you don't have to throw away a whole tank if the coil goes out (and maybe you can rebuild one too?

) I'll be ready to give that "SiC wick" a try when W9 delivers on that....