Curious Gorilla
Sounds like something smells purple.
Nothing against B2CvapE, looks cool, but really its just VAS tweaking people with no thought. And tries to make it look like its not just the same as all the others, without succeeding.Interesting new concept from b2cvape. Uses a 25mm coil and has 18mm and 29mm male injectors on either side. (Edit: Just confirmed with b2cvape that the 29mm male joint also fits over 22mm bowls). Was this inspired by your experimenting @felvapes ?
Doesn't really interest me but maybe it will some of you. Would be cool if one side was an injector and the other side a 22mm diffuser.
Now I'm more interested. Cool idea.
I believe it just adds excess thermal mass, taking away from the benefits of an open coil. If you can afford the inneficiency of bigger baller heads and the extra weed they use vs effect, you can afford to get originals, or support smaller bespoke makers.
If you want more thermal mass putting it on the outside in the form of titanium is a bad design choice, in my opinion, especially with a naked coil.
This design is a fish on a bycicle.
As far as titanium heads go, most are overpriced for the manufacturing processes and materials. They appear to not have the inside anodised, which could prevent issues with Titanium allergies and peoples mk 1 S.C.A.B.A. Gear. (Self Contained Air Breathing Apparatus, otherwise known as lungs). The insides should be highly polished too.
I can appreciate cheap baller heads for all, I have a very simple cheap to produce design in titanium tube that could be made in UK and compete with jcvaps prices. I can make them myself, but my hands are a bit wrecked, so not in volume. And i dont speak CNC.
Any one capable whos interested and wants to produce it let me know.
DIY glass ones ( there are many viable similar designs on FC and elseware) are easy enough to make.
just bought a devine tribe v2 atomiser for 510 box mods to mess about with(new to me , they are like mini portable benchtop power supplies, interesting! And i cant afford a tinymight 2 and I refuse to buy the cheap chinese knockoff/ factory overrun?) and was talking to Matt at Recomended Vapes, there may be a couple of new designs of injector heads he is bringing to market. I got the impression it would be relatively soon , and somewhat different designs.
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