**Ball vape comparison megathread** Compare your balls.

Which ball vape do you prefer?

  • Flowerpot B0

    Votes: 54 19.6%
  • Flowerpot B1

    Votes: 77 27.9%
  • Flowerpot B2

    Votes: 51 18.5%
  • Old Head freight train

    Votes: 28 10.1%
  • Pinky

    Votes: 20 7.2%
  • Qaroma Ceroma \ Quartz

    Votes: 27 9.8%
  • Qaroma Taroma 2 \ XL

    Votes: 29 10.5%
  • DC ELEV8R with Rubies.

    Votes: 26 9.4%
  • Cloud connoisseur Halo \ Atlas

    Votes: 25 9.1%
  • DDave Extraction Contraption

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Stainless Steel contains nickel, thats what makes it 'stainless', which around 75% of people are sensitive to, but it causes less issues in stainless steel than as nickel silver.
Some people react to it.
Titanium is claimed to be hypo allergenic, but most of what is used in implants is grade 5, which is an alloy containing aluminium amongst other things. It seems more likely to cause a reaction(and sometimes does) than ,say, grade 2 titanium that is usualy considered an industrial grade but is actualy pure titanium with an amount of oxygen removed to improve ductility. So more hypoallergenic than medical grade 5 titanium, possibly.
Fewer people react to titanium than stainless steel. In theory.
Far as air pathways, mild and high carbon steel are non toxic but nobody uses them. Rust bothers people, although we are made up partly of iron. Its the Heme in Hemeglobin. Steel Can make things taste like blood tho. (Possibly baller vapes should all be HIGH carbon steel, at least they will be after all that good weed)
I would imagine grade 2 titanium is less likely to cause an issue than stainless steel, im currently uncertain which i react to personaly , as my Herborizer Ti has a Stainless Steel heater cartridge not a Titanium one as stated, as well as its titanium heater core and body. One of the metals seems to cause me a sore throat and gums.
I know of atleast 3 people allergic to titanium, apparently though it's not something that happens to them with a single use, it seems like it's over time


Well-Known Member
Fellow EU ballers, looks like we get some interesting options too, after all! The B2c guys started selling a couple of coil adapters, they're 1,2m (4ft) long.

Type 1
Type 2

Not sure what the differences are, tho.
I messaged the guys about a 22mm diffuser bowl too, and maybe there's a possibility they will list those in the future.
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Curious Gorilla

Sounds like something smells purple.
I just managed to dump about 80% of my rubies on the floor while doing a head change. Pretty sweet.
Think I managed to recover most of them, just wondering what the best way to clean them is?
I was thinking iso in a shot glass, swirl them around and then dump into a mesh colander and rinse?
Every time i do it i remind myself to remember to make little paper funnels held together with a tiny bit of tape next time i play with tiny ruby balls, and every time i forget....
Im off to make one now before i forget again..
I know of atleast 3 people allergic to titanium, apparently though it's not something that happens to them with a single use, it seems like it's over time
Dentist were using titanium for a long while claiming it was hypoallergenic, but alot of dental patients disagreed.
Some allergens are sensitisers and only start to affect people over time, some people will react to immediately, some react to things on second(not first) exposure.
Niobium is apparently hypoallergenic but more expensive as its rarer. Although i think its easier to work. You can colour it like titanium too. I want a NIOBIUM baller head..... but the metal tube to make it would cost about £150 just for the raw 16mm x 1.5mm walled x 30mm long tube to make ONE. More if you went to 20mm.
Anyone allergic to titanium, more money than sense, and wants a truly elitist baller head.....
Before and after anodising.
Food and medical grade Stainless doesnt generaly cause many reactions even though most people are sensitive to the nickel in it, but i believe it can also sensitize people over time.
I suspect many patients with titanium or stainless steel prosthetics/parts in their bodies deal with excessive inflammation and other adverse immune system responses to them, even if its only on a small level.
For most people its not going to be a major issue.
If people are worried, simple test would be make a plain bracelet of the metal your worried about, wear it in summer and see if it causes a rash.
Or stop using titanium/stainless vapes for a while and see if it makes a difference.
Also bear in mind, pure Oxygen is poisonous to us (at 2 x atmosphere at sea level,2 bar pressure).
And too much beer will kill you.
Too much heated Stainless Steel in the air path seems to cause my throat to be a bit saw and effects my gums, but i still use fine steel screens 'cause a fine grind vapourises and tastes much better, and is more efficient with herb.

If i had the money to not worry how much marijuana i use, I would already be vaping through a niobium injector head.


Well-Known Member
Fellow EU ballers, looks like we get some interesting options too, after all! The B2c guys started selling a couple of coil adapters, they're 1,2m (4ft) long.

Type 1
Type 2

Not sure what the differences are, tho.
I messaged the guys about a 22mm diffuser bowl too, and maybe there's a possibility they will list those in the future.
I ordered a adapter cable from jcvap recently to connect my upcoming tko custom coil to my qaromashop pid. Price was nearly the same.

I guess they are similar?

Does b2cvape ship everything from EU?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Fellow EU ballers, looks like we get some interesting options too, after all! The B2c guys started selling a couple of coil adapters, they're 1,2m (4ft) long.

Type 1
Type 2

Not sure what the differences are, tho.
I messaged the guys about a 22mm diffuser bowl too, and maybe there's a possibility they will list those in the future.
The new stand they have is rather nice as well, the one like the CH one
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Well-Known Member
Phase3 ZX Drop!


Active Member
Been loving the ZX (as my first and only ball vape) and everyone who's seen it has been very impressed so far. Was using a Splinter (Z V2 I think) before this, but it is just too small of a capsule and a pain to load/stir etc. Just had a bunch of spent ABV in the capsules sitting around waiting for me to get to them. Portable of course and super clean air path, so there's that. The ball vapes are just so much easier, faster and efficient for home use.


Well-Known Member
I currently only have the SX, and I love it too!
So effective.
I can't wait to get the ZX.
The SX has become my daily driver for micro dosing!
Been loving the ZX (as my first and only ball vape) and everyone who's seen it has been very impressed so far. Was using a Splinter (Z V2 I think) before this, but it is just too small of a capsule and a pain to load/stir etc. Just had a bunch of spent ABV in the capsules sitting around waiting for me to get to them. Portable of course and super clean air path, so there's that. The ball vapes are just so much easier, faster and efficient for home use.
I currently only have the SX, and I love it too!
So effective.
I can't wait to get the ZX.
The SX has become my daily driver for micro dosing!


Active Member
I just purchased a phase3 ZX and a fancier enail/coil combo that was linked in the phase3 thread. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on my first ball vape. I was wondering what kind of stand would work best with it, I've considered the qaroma shop stand and the disorderly conduction one on vgoodiez. I also am looking at alternative injectors, I have a 14f to 14m adapter I could put a screen in and I have considered picking up a sticky brick injector. If there are any alternatives that work great I would love to know.

Grass Yes

Staff member
I just purchased a phase3 ZX and a fancier enail/coil combo that was linked in the phase3 thread. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on my first ball vape. I was wondering what kind of stand would work best with it, I've considered the qaroma shop stand and the disorderly conduction one on vgoodiez. I also am looking at alternative injectors, I have a 14f to 14m adapter I could put a screen in and I have considered picking up a sticky brick injector. If there are any alternatives that work great I would love to know.
The phase3 bowl is really the best I have found for the ZX and the SX. It forms a nice seal and puts the load in the perfect place. The CL bowl works but you do need to turn up the heat a bit. I have a 14mm adapter that works okay too.

This thread has lots of good options:


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I just purchased a phase3 ZX and a fancier enail/coil combo that was linked in the phase3 thread. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on my first ball vape. I was wondering what kind of stand would work best with it, I've considered the qaroma shop stand and the disorderly conduction one on vgoodiez. I also am looking at alternative injectors, I have a 14f to 14m adapter I could put a screen in and I have considered picking up a sticky brick injector. If there are any alternatives that work great I would love to know.
I like the high five style stands as they let the head free float when balanced, I've also seen the broom handle wall mounts done that hold onto the handle


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
I was not overly happy with a slice in a cup for a stand as I knock stuff over a lot so I chopped off the brokenpat of a down stem and bolted the remains to my bench with a slither of silicon to let it give a bit when being used. I found the heat was causing the Ti head to thermal lock in place, so I filled it just high enough with boro balls to keep the head free.

I find I am dabbing a lot less and twaxing instead,

I am leaning towards a 22mm head next (Zeals look good) to make loading rosin easier plus I am a fan of large wide loads...like the old Plenty...hard to beat surface area/volume when it comes to vaping.


Well-Known Member
O'Connell Woodworks will soon release a new vaporizer, the SKO.
This will be based around the joints of the 14mm joints.
I can't wait to try it
Sounds awesome. Love his gear, but the bowls are big. It'll be nice to have a smaller option and he'll make it top-notch.
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Well-Known Member
Sounds awesome. Love his gear, but the bowls are big. It'll be nice to have a smaller option and he'll make it top-notch.
It happens, I saw a chat demo, and like the TKO, an instant white wall.
No power loss.
It will be great for bowls smaller than 14


It happens, I saw a chat demo, and like the TKO, an instant white wall.
I saw this theory before that a quick extraction of THC is important for how high you get, so doing a 5min session with several hits will not get you as high as a big one-hit pull even if you end up with the same amount of THC in your body. From experience I'm not sure this is true, or at least I don't think it makes a huge difference. Thoughts?
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Well-Known Member
I saw this theory before that a quick extraction of THC is important for how high you get, so doing a 5min session with several hits will not get you as high as a big one-hit pull even if you end up with the same amount of THC in your body. From experience I'm not sure this is true, or at least I don't think it makes a huge difference. Thoughts?
Fast or slow are just two options and both work, just differently. Currently, in my case, most hits occur about three to five minutes apart, allowing for temperature stepping and stabilization. With this approach, when I am done, so is the bud and without any significant respiratory irritation or buzz shortage. However, all of us are different, and I can see the reasoning behind the rapid consumption approach, it's just not my cup of tea at the moment.
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I saw this theory before that a quick extraction of THC is important for how high you get, so doing a 5min session with several hits will not get you as high as a big one-hit pull even if you end up with the same amount of THC in your body. From experience I'm not sure this is true, or at least I don't think it makes a huge difference. Thoughts?



Well-Known Member
I saw this theory before that a quick extraction of THC is important for how high you get, so doing a 5min session with several hits will not get you as high as a big one-hit pull even if you end up with the same amount of THC in your body. From experience I'm not sure this is true, or at least I don't think it makes a huge difference. Thoughts?
Since I started working with bead vaporizers, I feel the benefits of my weed more intensely with each session!
The denser the vapour, the more cannabinoids are concentrated in the vapour.
I also find that finishing a bowl in one or three hits maximum is much more effective than the sessions I did with my Tetra P80 obviously.
invertedisdead has shown the way with its Phase3 range, for more efficient sessions with less weed than other bead vaporizers.
I'm saving a lot of weed now, while having the effects I'm looking for like with bigger bowls on other devices.

Even O'Connell is now copying phase 3 with his sko ss.
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