I own a older model and have not had my firmware updated.
I know a guy who can answer these questions best. I will summons him for you and see if he's around.
@EmDeemo! Can you help
@the123321 out?
I'm sure there are others who know this also. There already might be some answers for you over at the Auber thread. Let me find it for you. Hold on.
Ok, Here it is. The boost discussion probably started a few months ago.
@LesPlenty I am planning on having a 710 sale =) 20% off everything for the full day of 710
Sorry, I missed my summonses!

Tho tbh, those boost temps are very, very, particular to the user, the material being used, and the set up. Personally, I've been finding temps I like, then marking them down and matching them with other temps I like.
So for instance, on a bad lung day, 450 is my maxmium, but once the lower temps are vaped off, I can go up in temp and not cough.
550 is just on the cusp of drying things out so much I cant clean up the bowl. So on a good lung day, I can do a big dab at 550. For a massive dab, that wont dry out in a hurry, 570 is good.
So my boost temps vary between those numbers. Ranging from 450 to 570. I have all three boost modes set to different temps in those ranges, so I can choose a boost depending on dab size/type of concentrate, or just stick to one temp if I know what size dab im doing for a while. Or if I want to uptemp thru flavours, or from a cold start.
Basically, there are no set ideas on temps. Find your lowest, find your highest, and adjust accordingly
Do they not make the software update public, so one can update at home if one so chooses?
Even if it requires pulling the board out, I'd prefer doing that to shipping my unit off.
I tried, honestly. I asked them if there was any way to do this, but no dice. One day, I intend to open up the Auber and see if its just a usb connection inside and ask them again to come thru for us again

They really didnt seem into the idea of home flashing the firmware tho.