How do you track yourself for over-training? I'm not talking about over training a specific muscle group...I'm talking about over-training the entire unit (mind and body) to the extent that it affects your overall well being.
There are three symptoms I keep an eye out for.....
Beats Per Minute: Over the years I have noticed that my resting heart rate (beats per minute) creeps up by 5 or more points consistently over a period of days. Increased blood pressure is another look out point but my watch only does BPM and resting heart-rate so I tend to key off them.
Sleeping: Sleep is less restful when I've over trained. Sleeping the night of a good run is always deeper, refreshing and almost cocoon like unless I've reached the point of over training in which case I don't wake up refreshed.
Attitude: Over training causes irritability.
If only one symptom is present I just keep on keeping on. If I experience all three I take a break for a couple days until the symptoms subside or until my family tells me I'm no longer being an asshole.
I finally got around to writing my response again to this.
Unfortunately, over-training has been a big part of my MTB riding and exercise for the last half of the season this year. I basically ran myself down to the point of getting many of the 7-9 or so typically reported symptoms. Significant rest is recommended (2 wks), but the most time I took off this year was ~6 days in a row (~once). In your over-training f/x list
@His_Highness, I definitely notice sleep impacts, but it's a slow progression so I'm also often slow to recognize it. I've experienced light general irritability as well, like you mentioned. And what becomes concurrently apparent to me is a big loss in my ability to endure regular short high intensity exercise. For example, when riding cardio killer rails (lots of climbing), I have little stored power and a heart rate that quickly pegs to max. Also, many rests are needed on the ride when there are lots of high intensity sections. OTOH, I can still nicely endure moderate power and intensity exercise. I learned a lot.
I'd rather not track over-exercise/over-training by having to essentially get it and show significant symptoms (I never really seem to catch it very early). My season is done now for outdoor exercise and I'm switching to low intensity basic exercise for the next three months or so. It's a break. Then next year, I plan to start off MTB season at a more moderate pace and not ride/exercise as frequently as I did early on this year. I hit 600 miles very early this year, riding 4-5 days a week (or more). Also, this winter I'm also going to take significant mental notes of my sleep patterns and experiences so that I can better evaluate and track my sleep when more strongly exercising next year. We'll see how all that goes. I'm currently looking at a day-on day-off routine as reasonable.
Overall, I've been getting a lot of strong exercise this season. Last season as well, and it's come from being able to and often taking the most difficult MTB/jogging/hiking trails in the area. That's where I can and do literally exercise / MTB ride and sprint climb to exhaustion. These are the most enjoyable trails in the area, so it's worth it and I MTB ride them a lot

. One of those trails >70 times this season alone

. And as such, I've been exercising a robust combination of intensity and endurance (1-3 or so hrs at a time). It's been very enjoyable and fun. Fwiw, it turns out my average exercise time this season has been~90-100 minutes.
As for more recent athlete vaporist endeavors, I vaped and later got on the local trails with the MTB a few times not too long ago

. I almost never do this and the experiences were interesting/different (I typically vape after exercise/riding). On the first ride, I was reminded that vaping before makes the bike feels a little more jittery/reactive/unstable. And this time I felt significantly dissociated during high intensity exercise; essentially, a disconnection from the effort and intensity parts. The legs and quads felt a little dead, sensation-wise, as well. It was all a strange feeling. The same thing happened on the second MTB ride, and more.
It was a short second MTB ride @ 60 min and I picked a route which included the option of taking the #1 cardio killer trail on the back half. Well, the first half of the ride went so awesome and perked me up so much that I went for that trail and, even before beginning it, did a big cardio killer climb leading to the trailhead. I still felt pretty good, so I kept going and in short order went through two more short but intense as well as steep climbs on the trail (a new PB 4 me). When I stopped at the peak after that third big climb in a row, I was breathing hard and my heart rate ended up being pegged (I like to take a break at a peak point on trails to get good visibility, be safe and to make the next bit of the ride easier than what I'd just gone through). Then after ~5-10 seconds of that pegged heart rate, I felt my heart rate go up another notch

. Never had that happen before

. And then, I began to feel like my max breathing depth and speed wasn't enough

. I tried to remain calm, doubled down and focused more on breathing as deep and as fast I could and after ~20 seconds I started to recover a bit. Has anyone else here experienced a pegged heart rate... and then feel it go up even more?? I'm sure there are few people that really push their high intensity cardio. The whole dissociation thing with high exercise intensity / cardio isn't for me. That's 4 sure.
As for now, it looks like I had my last MTB ride and outdoor exercise of the year. We had one more nice day since I last posted, with well above normal temps and I got out for ~20 miles. I rode the most challenging trail of the year again and as good as I ever have

(no rest for only the third time and all just recently). I also went for the #2 difficult trail (plus a bunch more trails thrown in)

. Been a great year and I hope everyone is enjoying their exercise

I've been thinking about ur heart rate comment wrt over-training from over a week ago
. I hadn't checked my heart rate in some years or more, and back when I last checked it was just average/ok. It got me interested in where my heart rate was at now, so just a few days ago I checked my resting heart. Holy shit

, all this strong exercise and weight loss over the last 3-5 years has really had an impact! I quadruple checked, it's ~45 bpm


. And no spring chicken here

. 1%er??? (by age), any thoughts?
I'm sitting here, not even into a week yet of rest from the end of the MTB season, and just starting to wrap my head around everything. The accomplishments this year have been a little overwhelming, it's taken a lot of effort and sacrifice but it's definitely worth it and YOLO.
I already know I'm going to really miss the MTB and outdoor exercise this long off season

. With fun exercise season over and winter coming, I'll be lurking more in this thread and look forward to reading stories posted from others, as well as living vicariously through y'all. Cheers and thx for all contributions, keep it coming!
TL/DR... been there done that this year with over-training/over-exercise, had some crazy exercise and times this outdoor season on the MTB, PBs in a number of ways, outdoor season is over and it turns out I currently have a 45 bpm resting HR bitchez

Time to celebrate, already being doing that

. Sorry for any grammar/spelling issues, been TGIF vaping here

. Have a great Friday night.