Hi All!
First time poster & new visitor to this site (only discovered FC while researching vapes)…..
(TL/DR – skip to the bottom for my real questions – the rest is me blabbering on about being a newb)
An old friend recently introduced me to his Pax, which was the second vape I’ve ever tried. My first and only other vape experience came from a standard easy vape whip system I purchased at my LHS (cheap quality, not impressed with it, never got the ‘hang’ of using it, guess because I don’t vape with my friends and never have – also the cord and whip annoyed the crap out of me). After trying the Pax, I decided to look into a nice portable vape as I’ve grown bored of combustion (always been a fan of bubblers and waterpipes, never liked paper or dugouts). I have very little experience with vapes, but I’m curious enough to splurge on something like this – I know the heating isn’t the most powerful, but I’ve got plenty of time and patience to get the hang of it!
After looking around, I decided I wanted a latest generation, high quality portable electric vape (portable, not stealth – for vaping around the house and in my yard), from a trusted brand, and easy to clean. I plan to use this piece as my daily vape for the house and when visiting friends (if I like it), so quality and aesthetics are important to me (I’m a flashy guy, I like a bit of bold style). I quickly learned of the issues with the Pax mouthpiece and the necessity to clean it often – taste wasn’t a factor since I’m a newb. I decided to cross it off my list and keep searching (which lead me to FC). I soon settled on the Ascent as the Solo is hideous to look at and I wanted something easy to carry in my pocket. Then when I saw the burl wood texture, I was sold. The OLED screen was the icing on the cake for me – I’m a complete gadget geek.
So I started to research the Ascent, and its history. Everywhere I could, including reading this entire thread…… I’ve diligently read this entire thread (aside from skipping 40 to 60 pages full of “When will they start shipping???” and “How did they get a unit before the official release???” posts, yes, I have read nearly ever post, even the countless “I can’t get a good cloud, how do I pack this??” to which @
OF has had to proclaim the amazing difference glass flowers make, which ensues the repeat question of “it costs too much to ship, where can I find them”). Took me 4 damn days to read the thread but finally, I’m finished.
This past weekend, I knew I would probably buy an Ascent, so I purchased a 50pack of glass flowers from eBay on Sunday night, they should also arrive tomorrow (FWIW – If I recall, my LHS sells those glass flowers for $0.75 EACH!). I couldn’t hold back anymore and pulled the trigger Monday night – bought a Burl Wood Ascent direct from DV, hoping to get a good one from the latest generation – USPS says it will be here tomorrow! Few thoughts and questions below -
- After reading over 150 pages of posts, I had hoped by now surely the QC problems would have been mostly resolved, and by purchasing from DV directly, I would have the best chance of getting a unit that lasts beyond 1 month and 3 days. Apparently I was wrong – I’m still seeing reports of failure – not as many as before – but the wire through the hinge appears to remain an issue. Fortunately I have faith in DV customer service, and the 2 year warranty is nice. I’m sure I’ll know before then if I have a defective unit. Funny, I read the entire thread hoping to feel better about my decision to purchase an ascent at this time, only to feel WORSE about my chances of getting a unit which doesn’t fail after 33 days.
- Yes, there may have been more Stealth units produced than any other design, but the ratios are staggering. For every 5+ posts I see complaining that their Ascent shut off, or failed to heat up, only 1 is another color. Really? Is stealth THAT much more popular? I remember only seeing two people report problems with a burl wood ascent in this thread. Hopefully that’s a good omen. Or everyone here is buying the stealth model! Lol.
- Aside from using ISO to wipe down the inside/outside of all glass stems and oil cans, and an ISO soaked q-tip to clean the bowl, what else should I wipe down with ISO before and after running the off-gassing cycle (going to run 2 30minute cycles at 400 then 410, then finishing off at 425 (don’t want to reach 430 – never plan on going that high).
- Off-gassing still appears to be a minor issue (though it seems I can enjoy my vape the same day I get it, I hope). I have a tiny variable speed (5v DC 45mm) PC fan – would the off-gassing process be aided by a gentle breeze, or would this breeze inhibit heatup temps (preventing unit from reaching the 425/430F temps required for off-gassing)?
- I understand the unit includes 2 screens for unknown use – but what about brass screens are they vape safe? My LHS sells very thin brass screens which can be easily trimmed / formed to fit the oval shape. I’m looking to place one under the glass screen (as a pre-screen before the glass). I don’t want to try the cotton as I plan to use the ABV
- I have several 3D printers and a 3D scanner (Like I said, I’m a geek, and I love it). It seems the Ascent is just begging for me to start designing some custom accessories specifically for the ascent – like a stand to hold the unit upright while loading…….. I’m still new to this forum (a lot to digest, rules to follow, etc) but where should I go about discussing this? Should I start a new thread (I’d like to) – I have questions in general about materials, and looking for ideas, suggestions, etc. Or would the mod’s like me to thread-hijack this one :-p
Wish me luck tomorrow! Work is going to SUCK knowing I have a delivery waiting for me (fortunately my wife will be home to receive the package). Hmm, should I request a half day?? Ha ha