I break the glass flowers because I'm me.
I honestly don't know how I break so many, but I'm sure some of it is indeed shifting during use, and that crack sound when I reopen the oven.
Keep in mind that I count "breaking" as not only snapping the stems, but also knocking of the "petals." The petals are a different glass (they are coloured and the base/stem isn't), so the join-point isn't particularly strong. So, I could have a perfect stem, with one or two petals knocked off.
No biggie. They're cheap and I have a lot.
(PS: I still consider the broken ones usable to fill the bowl, so not an issue. I'd rather have ones in direct contact with the product have stems, but if I use a layer on top of that, the half (or zero) stems are just fine.)
In terms of the stem-screen, I have indeed broken one. They can be fragile. In my case, early on in testing the Ascent, I was using a spare stem to tamp down/pack the bowl. It's the perfect size for it after all, and has a better handle than the oil cans. I was mashing down the herb, when I had the edge of the screen I was using crumble. Not shatter... crumble. Maybe too much force at an angle against the edge?
Had a friend of mine break one trying to do a hot choco extraction. I think he had a bit of a boil going, and that was knocking the stem around in the pan? Or was it stirring the cup, and hitting the edge of the cup? Whatever it was, they are fragile.
I just take extra care and haven't broken one since!
The "top" stem (the straw one extracts), I don't think I've heard about anyone breaking those, other than @
Slightly Medicated dropping his whole unit from shirt pocket to concrete floor. IIRC.
So those are sturdy. And have like 20 extra of those. (Slight exaggeration). I should put extras up in the classified, except that's not the half anyone would be seeking.
SIDENOTE: Try using the @
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