Haha, absolutely the same here. Totally satisfied now.
It feels like it got tuned in, even though there's nothing that can get better by usage from what I see.
Only thing is that I just used it a couple of days as a cigarette replacement, with a mixture of 1 part mint, two parts sage + ~5% tobacco and trees, which worked and tasted pretty well btw. This had as a result that the wide part of the glass stem got pretty oily and therefore its holes got tighter, and so the filtering effect is enough to not need a cotton filter anymore.
Can't say my 'technique' improved much neither. Pack the bowl fully loose or partly and pushed down.
The overall medication effect (ok mostly recreational) is absolutely satisfying for the amount I use. Very slow but long hits mostly. Good visible vapor production at least at temps above 195° C (now what is that in F uuuh

). No super thick clouds though, but no lung or throat irritation at all, so for me it just hits the spot.
My Plenty had thicker clouds but made me cough a lot, with an overall identical effect, so I came to the point that it really just is a psychological aspect.
So my advise for all dissatisfied users here - besides all the points which have been pointed out and the material you use - : forget about the clouds and just listen to what the clouds in your head say.
And you can assure yourself that there is vapor by just nipping on it without inhaling..you'll pretty sure see vapor escaping - or you can inhale and not just breath out but putting it deeply outta your lungs, I always see more vapor this way.
Regarding the seal tightness: I use it while it's on, so I can't really see things escape.
The fear of the rubbery smell or taste shouldn't be one imo neither. Mine has had a smell in the very beginning, but it took only 1-2 sessions to make it go away, and from what I can see here everyone is experiencing the same, so that shouldn't be a downside. The real taste of the Ascent is beautifully clear. [not speaking for defect products ofc]
Happy & peaceful weekend to all of you