Osn Dosn
Well-Known Member
One of my hobbies.
It's just that when you frame one side of the debate in negative terms like "nerdy" and "unnecessary", I felt this needed a bit of perspective.
One of mine too. Maybe we should become friends and shit.
While this wasn't my intention you're still right: those terms might imply negativity that wasn't meant to be there, as I love all the nerdy and unnecessary discussions going on here, so sorry for that.
Once again I refer to English not being my native language.. hell I never ever been to an English-speaking country, but on the other hand you think we still don't have fridges over here, so I guess that makes it even, even though this all has nothing to do with my bad choice of words, which we don't need to discuss here any more I guess

Guys have reported finding good international deals on EBay, perhaps someone can post one or you can search back some and find them?
Just pulled the trigger on Amazon. ~20€ with shipping for the 40pcs and about a month until they're here, but hey, your explanation makes sense and I'm curious what the result will be, thanks!
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