1) because using more flowers (but the same amount herbs) and stacking like this... the load is closer to the top of the bowl and it makes it much easier to put the last two flowers in stems down
One of the important issues here is to fill the bowl, be it glass flower or flower. If you use a little of either, use a lot of the other.

I've now done MANY @
lwien tests, and always toss in a LOT of glass flowers. (I now have 50 of them as I know I'm going to break/lose them over time.)
Getting a good mix of the flower exposed to the glass flower is good too, as you are directly exposing more surface area to the product.
What's up with the post saying that material gets sucked through the device. Is this from super fine grind? Would a disk screen fix this?
Keep in mind the "screen" are 4 holes in glass. Understand that these holes are SIGNIFICANTLY larger than what you would find in a metal screen (orders of magnitude more holes, but much smaller).
So it really is more of a grind issue. Too fine, and you will get product through.
That being said, two things:
1) No grind is going to be perfectly uniform. Even with a med grind, you'll have smaller pieces. I'll occasionally get on the tongue an errant piece. Slightly annoying, but certainly not "inhaling a bunch of stuff into one's lungs."
2) There are two (OPTIONAL) metal screens included if you don't mind the metal in your vapor path and have much finer grinds. I have never taken any of mine out of the bag.
Still too many IMO to take a chance with hard earned coin.
I don't think you are "taking a chance with coin" but rather "taking a chance with shipping."

I think the quality is definitely up, and number of happy owners significantly out-weight the units that got through QC with an issue. Most everyone in the later group has been taken care of by now, and DV did say that they will work with everyone that has an issue (NOTE: even poor @
mewash2 *FINALLY* got theirs taken care of.).
That being said, I do feel for the people that have had to exchange units. Sucks after all this time of waiting to have to deal with an RMA, but at least in the end they are getting much better units than the 1.0 (speaking more about improved performance here, but yeah also removing defects.)
Here's a picture of the OLED. It's not noticeable when it's on, but off....pretty noticeable. Other than it being an aesthetics issue, will this cause any problems?
That's a film/coating to protect the screen during the assembly process that got left in place. It was common in a lot of the v1.0 units. Not common on the v1.1
It does NOT affect performance in any way. It *DOES* affect aesthetics (mainly when NOT using the unit). If it bugs you, I'd see about a replacement. If it doesn't, VAPE AWAY!!
Honestly, I've read every post
EXCELLENT summary.
And for that statement (I quoted), coming from someone "new" to the forum (by new I mean now actively participating) I wish I could give you 10 likes for that. It does the heart good to see someone invest time in educating themselves before asking questions.
The most obvious is a "v" notch stay on the side of the unit.
I don't believe this to be true. Any units without the latch are pre-production units, of which very few of those are in circulation. (These are more like pre-v1.0 or pre-v0.9 units.) Perhaps if you buy one off of craigslist used from a reviewer, you might encounter one. But none of these should have made it into any distribution channel.
I've spent the last 15 min. combing the forum for info so be gentle.
I've addressed your screen issue above, and I believe others have addressed your burn-in issue. I just wanted to grant a few more likes here for taking that 15 min.
This may be a stupid question but how is it a water tool? Still doesn't make sense.
NOT a water tool, but a tool to CONNECT to a water tool.
BYOWT: Bring Your Own Water Tool.