On the issue of "off gassing" --
I now have a second unit to test. I've solicited a friend here, and he is making sure I am testing right.
I posted earlier, in response to @
thesoloman, that I saw the unexplained wisps in his video and I tried to replicate what he did. Try as I might, I could just NOT do it. He suggested that I just wasn't holding the flashlight at the "magical angle" (my term). I pointed out that I moved the flashlight all over the place, and I should have been able to see SOMETHING based on what I saw on his video. He replied back with an angle I did not think of earlier, so I said I would test that later in the day. [@thesoloman -- I started typing this before I realized you were still online tonight, hence the 3rd person.]
I was still skeptical, but, giving the benefit of doubt, said I would try.
(NOT skeptical that his unit was doing it! I saw the video. Skeptical that I could make MY unit do it.)
Indeed, I have tried it again now, using his suggestion for lighting, and as I suspected, I saw nothing.
I don't know what the difference between his unit and mine is. I know mine has had a LOT of use, and I believe he said he hasn't done that much yet. Perhaps that is it? Or perhaps his "batch" -- which includes the other people that are seeing these wisps on clean/empty units -- was slight different from the batch for the people that DON'T see the wisps?? It would be interesting to perhaps compare the batch/serial numbers???
I DO NOT WANT PEOPLE POSTING THEIR SERIAL NUMBERS PUBLICLY TO THIS GROUP. I know you want to be helpful, but don't. I suspect the group numbers are safe, but most likely all the same.
But, I'm open to any other suggestions for why some units exhibit this behavior, whilst others do not.
Ah... But I said "second unit", didn't I...
So, I have in my possession (at least for the next hour or so), a "virgin" unit. This unit has never been used. It has, however, been fully charged (10+ hours) and it has had one "burn-in" of 430° for 20 min. If it matters, it is burl like mine.
I took the unit into a dark room. (It is night where I am, but for "minimizing variables" in the name of Science!, I used the same room.

I let it run for a bit, then I started doing tests. The only change from before I now have my 500 lumen unit to add to the other lights.
And... nothing.
I shined all of the flashlights all over the place. (one at a time of course -- I only have so many hands) I held it at all angles. I tried open. I tried closed. I moved the light all over the place, including all of @
thesoloman's suggestions. Nothing.
I gave up, as I figured this was one of the non-problem units.
But before I turned on the room lights, I was reminded of @
Slightly Medicated 's videos I was looking for last night for @
Pappy . (Gave up looking as I was lazy. Anyone have links?)
On a lark, I held up the unit to my mouth, held the flashlight under the grill pointing up, and blew.
I saw smoke pour out of the unit! I almost shit myself. (sorry for the crass expression, but I'm lacking a better one right now)
The smoke wasn't "cloud". But also it was more than "wisp".
It disappeared after about 2 seconds. But I took another breath and did it again.
BINGO!! A few more seconds of smoke!
I was pretty freaked out here. I kept blowing and each time got a few seconds of smoke.
I didn't see *ANY* smoke coming from the unit at all before. WTF???
I finally decided to open the bowl and blow directly there (sidestepping the top part).
Guess what I saw?
Don't know why I didn't look INTO the bowl before, but there sitting, was one of the oil cans WITH THE LID ON.
It was wedged in there (Probably why I didn't realize it was there), and had to use the tool to get it out. (Gravity didn't work).
I tried it again, without the bowl, and this time nothing.
The culprit was the silicone bowl lid.
• I suspect the problem @
thesoloman and others are seeing might
indeed be exposed silicone. The smoke I saw seemed to be on par.
• I suspect that there is a production difference between the units that show it and those that don't. (Production defect? I can think of a few ways a defect can produce this. I have some theories, but need more data before I discuss.)
• The "normal" silicone exposure does NOT produce this.
• When we went though this before (DAMN YOU @
OF for stealing my thunder!), I believe we got honest responses about the grade/quality of the silicone, and I am not worried.
• For those concerned about the bowl lid, I believe the consensus is that that the oil cans work much better without it anyway, so just don't use them. (Or do a burn in of them... your choice.)
• For the units that are showing the smoke I saw, I think the jury is still out on whether a burn-in will clear it completely. I'm fairly sure it isn't much of an issue, so I'm not too worried. But, if you are worried, DV -- as history has taught us -- has been more than willing to exchange units for new ones if you feel uncomfortable using your current unit, so that isn't an issue.
[SIDENOTE: to all of the rampant speculation about how DV did this deliberately, or won't stand by the units, or not treat customer concerns correctly, or made up the customs hold to cover productions delays, or used non-safe materials, or any other assumptions based upon facts not in evidence, don't worry: They will ship all of the replacement units from their new warehouse in the old sound-stage where the moon landing was faked.
