Tooth picks, safety pins, thumb tacks, paper clips etc.. are all OK for unclogging the holes in the bottom stem.
If only there was something included with the device... like a tool or something... something that had a point on it just perfect for poking out the holes... If it were me, I'd put an Ascent logo on it and make on-board storage for it.
But we live in an imperfect world and sometimes one can only dream...
Just be careful not to crack the stem as glass is not covered under warranty.
It is quite fragile. Had a friend stir his hot coco with it (for reclaim). In stirring, hit the edge of the coffee cup an broke. Not a lot of force there. Be careful.
Mate, you don't need to order alcohol off eBay - any chemist's will sell it. people have mentioned a "magic eraser" -
Any pharmacy or grocery store will have ISO Alcohol. Keep in mind, it is usually in a few different percentages, and it might take a little looking to find the higher %s.
Magic Eraser:
As I understand it low levels of ISO vapor is not a significant hazard but the stuff is to be avoided if possible I think for a number of reasons. It's expensive, nasty on your skin, a fire/explosion hazard and really shouldn't be dumped down sewers.
Not useful if you reclaim, of course, otherwise highly recommended over ISO:
It's cheap. Don't get any on your skin. Who says you have to dump it?
I keep a small sealed jar of it with all my spare stems in it. When I want a fresh set, I CAREFULLY pull out a set with small lab tongs and CAREFULLY place the dirty ones in with their soaking brothers. A quick rinse of any residue (use the sprayer setting on the sink if there is a leaf particle stuck in the bottom stem's bulb-cavity -- better than a pipe cleaner down there), and ready to go.
When the solution is golden dark in color, I'll remove all of the stems, pour through a coffee filter, and then leave out to evap. Nothing going down drains. No dumping. Plus I get all of the reclaimed resin.
Mind you, two points:
1. I only use ISO when I've run out of everclear. I prefer to use the real (the higher % one, not available in all parts of the country/globe) Everclear as A) it's not ISO and is safe to consume, and B) Tinctures and what not.
2. Original mention of cleaning was about WTs. I redirected the convo in a more Ascent specific direction with stem cleaning, but nothing saying you can't get a few good uses out of it for WT cleaning. Something as large as a WT needs more solution to fill volume than to do actual cleaning.
That being said, PBW seems a really good solution. Just doesn't afford reclaim and ISO isn't a bad solution if that's what one has on hand.