Okay, I'll try this a second time:
@Glass004 -- Did you try the new charger on the other unit before sending it back?
After Reviewing the forums again what happened to the Glass sombrero idea that DaVinci was thinking about???? I've gone though a considerable amount of the forum starting that the link you gave me and i have yet to find anything... I'm now on Pg 185 D:
It turned out the sombrero didn't work as well as expected, so they have moved on to other ideas.
PS: Thanks for actually reading through the thread.
I havent seen amything like this on here so far, is that normal?
With all these probalemes what do you all think i should do, Rma, or just wait it out?
Congrats on the new vape! You will really enjoy it.
As mentioned the "new vape smell" should dissipate over time. The stems will have varying degrees of fit, but definitely you should get the broken one replaced. The cosmetic issues are I'm sure a disappointing point to a new device but once you get into full swing of using it, you'll most likely not notice them.
The silicone top producing a gap when pulled up is something
@KeroZen has covered well, and came up with a clever fix for. Read back a few pages.
2) No sign of vapor - READ the past 10-20 pages, the same thing is discussed over and over
d00d, you keep encroaching on my job of telling people "to read the bloody thread before posting".

(you'll just see that the rubberlike surface has slightly worn off in a small area, which I do not consider a serious flaw).
That sucks about the display.

I'd definitely contact DV to see what they have to say. I didn't see the worn area in the photo, but I do see the blistering on the rubbery surface. The only time I've seen something like that is when someone put ISO on a hot unit, albeit that was visually different. Any chance you got the unit wet in usage? Some water (or a gin & tonic if that is more to your tastes

) on the unit in operation, could damage the OLED. (I couldn't really see the "crack" on the screen but could see that the display is messed up.)