That would be my bed guess at accomplishing that. I think the only way to get the most accurate result and remove variables is to imbed the sensor in a packed load. Without material to absorb the heat it just will dissipate. I would imagine the sensor for the ascent is situated somewhere in the ceramic or near it and is reading that temp. The IR is reading the "surface temp" of the bowl itself.It's not an IR system. It's a TC system. Different animal, like used in industrial furnaces and stuff like that. You can see the sensor in the photo. A weld at the end of two fine (.010 inch) wires of special metals. Temperature (accurate to a few degrees) is measured at that exact point in the load.
I think IR systems, which basically 'listen to the color of the light' get swamped out with conflicting signals at best. Too much noise, not enough signal. Like trying to hear the guy next to you whispering into your ear, but in a room full of people talking? Even my spot meter doesn't fish out 'the right answer'.
What I did find fun was the 430 degree part. A long way from what the unit displays. Makes me wonder if we really know the temperature all that well.
Edit: The same scheme should work with Ascent, getting the leads and out might be a little more challenging, I don't have one to look at, but perhaps up through the grill?
Dammit OF! I've been debating how best to get the Themocouple into the oven (screen would be ideal if I could somehow drill additional holes to compensate for restricted airflow).
Yeah... the depths of your experiments were about a hundred-fold of what I was thinking about. Nicely done, good sir!
My glass bead works great! Lol I wonder if your ascent is breaking down?
I would imagine the sensor for the ascent is situated somewhere in the ceramic or near it and is reading that temp. The IR is reading the "surface temp" of the bowl itself.
Okay, so ran it all day yesterday, charged 2 different times in between, and cleaned everything after charging it the first time again just to be see. Ran it and am still seing visible vapor with nothing loaded and it smells horrible. It will most likely be returned or possibly exchanged with Davinci in the next few days and i will report back
OF your post sounds so ah full of sex talk yep that is it and I am sticking to it. Just a snippit for your reading pleasure...
My guess is the sensor(tongue)is in the heater body(human) at some specific point(do I have to tell you) and is used to control the body (yep)the rubber gasket(nice, tight and lubed) surrounding the (soft)ceramiccup. It will be removed from the load by the walls of theceramicbowl and the layer of rubber(soft skin what does OF know) on the other side of that and probably part of the heater body? They're counting on the area inside that region all being at the same temperature....HOOOOOOOOOT
@ rsqemt911 how full was your bowl and wasn't the herb spent long before the time you gave above?
I will do my write up in a bit...which means hours.
So got a few more sessions in with the ascent and its having the pastic taste on higher temps but still performing well besides that.
Vaped some pressed kief sandwiched between cotton and set to 430. Worked very well and didn't notice the plastic taste till the end. And that was after the ascent had been on for a while and was quite warm.
Also vapes out of my extreme and solo today so my friend could try them all. Fresh faced never vaping before today he picked the ascent out of the 3 though he loved doing bags off the extreme (the novelty of it).
Glad to hear that Ascent does well with hashHave you tried inside the jar ?
Plug the unit in for the initial charge and nothing! No charge indicator, no power.
Mine arrived dead dead too. It took a few mins on the charger for the charge light to come on.I know it needs to charge for 10 hrs, figured I'd get a indicator of some sort. Hopefully it at least powers on later. It smells like new sneakers just sitting there.
Edit; There looks to be some type of liquid in the bowl. Not doing a iso scrub till it turns on though.
Mine arrived dead dead too. It took a few mins on the charger for the charge light to come on.
Edit; There looks to be some type of liquid in the bowl. Not doing a iso scrub till it turns on though.