Almost there...
Last time my Aromed saw use was September 2014...
Since then it has been safely packed away and I have thought of selling her but she is just too cool to not have in the collection!!
Today was the day i broke her out of confinement!!
A thorough cleaning of everything and we were back in business in short order.
Set the temp to 210 Celsius and loaded up some herb.
Solid light...solid...FLASHING means Go Time!
Awesome flavour and great clouds upon clouds!!
This thing is a beast! Finish off the bowl at Max and sit back to survey the Aromed.
Now i remember why i dislike using this vape!
I bought mine used and it only came with a coarse bowl screen, not sure if new ones come with a selection of mesh sizes.
The mess in the beaker, in the down stem and up the outside of the down stem was all covered in ground bud!
Since acquiring the Aromed i have also acquired numerous other vapes and thus a multitude of spare parts!
Enter the fine screen for my Volcano Easy Valve! Slightly too large though...
I found a washer that fit the herb chamber and bent the edges of the screen around the washer.
Perfect fit with no herb falling into the beaker, there is only a fine dust just under the screen.
Works just as good and produces so many clouds of delicious vapour!
Dammit!!! Now i have to fit another vape into the routine!

PS: My one mod i want to do to my Aromed is to find a different style of goosenesk so as to make adjusting the bowl easier!
Keep tuned!
Since then it has been safely packed away and I have thought of selling her but she is just too cool to not have in the collection!!
Today was the day i broke her out of confinement!!
A thorough cleaning of everything and we were back in business in short order.
Set the temp to 210 Celsius and loaded up some herb.
Solid light...solid...FLASHING means Go Time!
Awesome flavour and great clouds upon clouds!!
This thing is a beast! Finish off the bowl at Max and sit back to survey the Aromed.
Now i remember why i dislike using this vape!
I bought mine used and it only came with a coarse bowl screen, not sure if new ones come with a selection of mesh sizes.
The mess in the beaker, in the down stem and up the outside of the down stem was all covered in ground bud!
Since acquiring the Aromed i have also acquired numerous other vapes and thus a multitude of spare parts!
Enter the fine screen for my Volcano Easy Valve! Slightly too large though...
I found a washer that fit the herb chamber and bent the edges of the screen around the washer.
Perfect fit with no herb falling into the beaker, there is only a fine dust just under the screen.
Works just as good and produces so many clouds of delicious vapour!
Dammit!!! Now i have to fit another vape into the routine!

PS: My one mod i want to do to my Aromed is to find a different style of goosenesk so as to make adjusting the bowl easier!
Keep tuned!