biojuggernaut said:
wow that is soo sweet. But I think all the new zaps don't need polish for some time. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
I've actually wondered if the out on a limb/stumpy sort of zaps would require, or at least benefit, from a more frequent waxing than the totally smooth zaps do these days. The main reason i wonder this is because its been mentioned that the new polishing is put on largely through friction, and i'm assuming that you wouldnt be able to apply as much friction on the bark in these models, at least not if you want to keep the bark on there. So im speculating it might not be polished on the lathe as much as the top smooth part, and the bottom might drink up some of the zapolish more than the average RZ. either way, i like putting the stuff on to be safe as much as i do because the lemon stuff smells so great, and normally i hate lemon scented stuff (like cleaners and spray polishes)
But the main news of the day: Got my EHLE 250ml with EHLE downstem from another member today and i've been hitting the zap through it all day, absolutely LOVE it. I haven't owned a piece of glass for over a year so the last time i used glass with a vape i only had the 7th floor models. using a direct inhale vape like this with glass is much more convenient than using a whip style vape, i can definitely say that.
I like using the zap with a small tube like this, its a perfect pair! The SSS zap milks the tube fast, and actually works best if i hit it at a medium-high speed, and i can easily milk and clear it in one breath (something i couldnt do with my last massive bong) with a few seconds of solid vapor flow in between. needless to say, its smooth as hell. i cant even feel the vapor going in, and i no longer get any dry mouth/tongue/throat effect from vaping a stem. I used to have to have a bottle of water or something to take a sip of after just about every hit, but didnt even think about a drink until after 2 stems lol.
the thought of getting stems that will make the experience of using the zap with my tube even better makes my brain explode with happy giggles