My main concern is availability of this style vape in this part of the world. Decent vapes are few and far between around here, and we all know how experiences with cheap pieces of crap can actually turn people off vapourization entirely. It seems pretty clear that vapourization is one of the forces countering the Drug War, as smoking is frequently cited as one reason to keep cannabis criminal. It is, after all, the most harmful factor in weed consumption. And I want to see laws around here change.Rick said:Qbit
It does appear that a product similar to ours will no longer be available outside of North America. Time will tell as things do change fairly rapidly concerning some products.
If anyone from OZ or NZ is interested in MZ only, Email me. I also have a standing offer to turn non Americans on to how these things are made. Drilling wood, making all the parts, fabrication tricks etc. I really have been surprised for a long time that you guys keep relying on Americanos for this style vape. They are simple and relatively easy to make. You will need more than woodworking skills though.
I recently got a PD, but now my friends won't be able to. If you can ship your units this way, Rick, then that's great to hear. But if you're offering, then sure, I'd be curious to know how to make one. I believe the original Eterra patent is online somewhere, but I have yet to see it. I was never going to pull apart my solitary PD and reverse engineer it.
I do have an old friend who has probably all the equipment needed. He's primarily a metal craftsman, though he could probably do the wood too. He'd be more than happy to let me potter around the workshop and tinker.