OK, we will try again. I had a nice post 98% complete and hit the wrong key on the laptop.............GONE! Pissed! Over it now.
First news on the Bubblers is we survived the first rush last night. We still have a few in stock and will do our best to keep it that way. Last nights bubbler orders will not ship til tomorrow. I thought I could make today for a Saturday delivery but it was an order morning. Farm stuff, Zap parts, plugs, transformers, wire, lots of chainsaw parts for 4 different saws and more. Like they say, you have to spend money to make money. Seems like it all comes at once. So no bubblers arriving til Monday/Tuesday. I think everybody ordered a holder too which takes time. Good news for me as whenever I get in a hurry mode, jammers pop up to slow me back down. That is the latest on the bubbler story.
VV Power supply is on track. I have the first batch ordered and they should be here mid to late next week. For now, they are coming out of Canada which adds to shipping time and cost. Here is the little girl we are going with for now. No flames or special colors, just a plain jane with a big digital voltage display.
I would appreciate suggestions on cord length. I will be making them here using some nice 16 gauge wire that is soft and pliable, nothing at all like the 22 gauge kinky stuff used on our stock 12 volt fixed voltage transformer. I picked 16 gauge because it is way heaver than the awg 22 wire, meaning longer than 6 foot cords will work just fine. Maybe a couple choices on length? Our cord will have the green and black plug on the Zap end which is replaceable with a small phillips screwdriver if the wire breaks over time next to the plug. Simple to cut it off and re-install the same plug.
Details on addressing possible problems with leaving the VV cranked up to the highest voltage(15 volts) will be addressed when this VV all comes together next week. Same with final pricing. We will include the power wire to the Zap(or any log vape) with each VV PS with a possible option to exclude the power wire as they are very easy to make.
More Zaps up by tomorrow is the plan today. By tomorrow, though,we may be somewhere else on timing. Very busy on all fronts around here. Our first two piggees roll in Sunday. Heifer Wilma over to the Bull Saturday. She is getting so horny as we held her off a little for her first.........mating(yes, I wanted to say fuck). She has been giving us lots of trouble the last few weeks but she will mellow right out once her body starts doing her real job. Black Angus and a rowdy one. She is about two years old.
The farm is kicking ass like never before. We have more in, earlier, than ever before. Taking a big gamble getting some things in early but the weather has been super. 70/80 degrees with warm rains off and on. The next three weeks will tell the story. We either re-plant or add a month to our growing season. Our main buyer, the
CDA Resort, wants it NOW. They are on a big LOCAL thing with food this year.