
the ob

all good in the hood.
sorry for the confusion. I meant that rick would know if the zap in the picture was yours or not. I guess you know though. I am not sure if what I just said makes this any less confusing :p
the ob,


Lost in Thought
Ive now had a couple of days to sit and give a thorough 'testing' of the two new 'Myrtleglass' stems made exclusively for the Myrtlezap. (Although they WILL work on other similar vapes) Here are pictures of both stems - Pictures/Myrtleglass/

Upon opening the box, I was pleasantly surprised that Rick had sent me one of each of the stems that he plans to initially offer. The normal handblown, removeable tipped stem. And the 'econo' (with a complementary whip-ripper stem) Both stems had their pros and other pros that I liked more than the other :p and both made my vaping session that much more enjoyable.

Both stems are appx 8-9" (Correct me if I am wrong Rick)
The handblown stem is much more visually appealing and asthetically correct against my lips. The only 'complaint' (if you would call it that) with my normal stems, is that midway through the hit my lips would begin to get rather warm, and the stream of hot vapor and air would often irritate my lips/mouth/tounge. With the new glass stem, this is pretty much a non issue with the added length. The bulbous mouthpiece fits comfortably on your lips, and only gets warm enough to make you feel as if the glass is kissing you back as you gently draw in your tasty vapors. The length of your stem appears to give you more 'vapor leverage' yielding larger hits (but cashing your stem in fewer hits) This is also handy when you are blowing your ABV back into its container - do note though that your ABV will come flying out much easier and faster than it does with the standard stems. Top it off that you now have removeable tips that you can interchange while cleaning one, or if you want to have multiple strains in multiple tips (or just quickly be able to share the Mrytleglass experience with a friend) The tips (as Rick had stated) slide into and out of the MG stem with relative ease, and are airtight when inserted. (Although I havent had the urge to try, I would imagine you could insert the tip 'backwards' and have a larger bowl-I wouldnt suggest trying this though) After getting my fill of inserting and removing/interchanging my tips, I settled on leaving one in between sessions. All in all - the simplicity combined with the elegance and beauty of the handblown glass, as well as the pleasure it ADDS to my Zapping experience, this will definitely be on my Xmas list this year.

The 'econo' stem is merely nothing more than a ground glass end of a standard glass tube. Not much to look at eh? Well wait right there! The beauty of this piece is its versatility as well as affordability. Not sure if a glass stem is for you? Want an inexpensive way to experiment with Myrtleglass and your Zap? This might very well be your solution. In essence, this stem works very similar to how the complimentary tubing works that Rick is now sending with his orders. The ground glass end slides snugly over the included 'whip-ripper' mini stem. Hits are comparable to the handblown elegant stems, however now the glass can be pulled from the stem post hit to 'clear the stem' (similar to the slide of a bong) The attached stubby stem can also be used with your favorite glass piece or hit as the Zap normally is. I think for me, the fact that this stem could be pulled from the stubby and 'cleared' made it an early favorite for me. Although the mouthfeel and beauty of the handblown made it my regular that I look forward to using. (Maybe a ground glass end like the econo with a handblown mouthpiece like the nice one?) I know some have mentioned adding a carb to these stems, but IMO having a hole that close to the heat source might make a finger uncomfy (hence why Im a fan of the slide action of this stem)

Stay tuned as Rick will soon be launching his (expanding) line of Myrtleglass @ (The site may be down while he is finishing the final details)

I hope you found this review helpful, and moreso I hope that you enjoy your Myrtleglass as much as I have. (Its almost like falling in love with my Zap all over again!) :p

Happy Vaping!

the ob

all good in the hood.
yeah, thanks AG for the great review. I am now really excited to receive my economy model, test it out and do my review as well. you made some great points with both stems.
the ob,


Just talked to my glass guy. We have a dozen more coming by the weekend. That would be the handblown stem. There will be a variety of colors and shapes/mouthpieces, etc. Same size tubing with slight bend.(they don't roll of the table that way)
So I will have prices and how to buy soon on both versions. Checking now with the Post Office. I originally thought everything would go priority mail but we may do first class to save a few bucks.
Thanks AG for the Beer, er, review. We appreciate it. We do want to be sure the tip and tip insert are good.
Might be another review around soon.


Lost in Thought
Like I said Rick, I played and played with the tip(s) quite extensively when I got it - Im pretty sold on this design :D Since I plan to have this as my normal hitter now, Ill keep an eye on it :)

When you finally get ready to start selling these things I would like to see a thread all its own for Myrtleglass to help keep MZ geared questions/discussions here and avoid some clutter and confusion in this thread (lord knows its been derailed to hell plenty of times already) :)


vapor accessory addict
Great review AG. :)

I also had the honor of being one of Rick's beta's. I have to say that I am very impressed with both models of stems.

I have to agree with AG on the econo stem. It's hits are reminiscent of the tubing hits but I find the glass much more pleasing on my lips and with the way it cools the hits. It can be used with the short stem or the standard stock stem. A real nice, simple and efficient stem, sure to be a hit with the "no fuss" crowd.

The handblown stem I received was the second from the left in Rick's picture. It is much more attractive in person than shown in the picture with the greens and tans marbling together. I like the slight bend before the mouthpiece as it's angle is more natural to hit. And the mouthpiece is a nice rounded size. It's visually sort of delicate looking, but is actually very sturdy. And the hits are easy, breezy; nice, big clouds that you can't even feel coming. ;) I've said before that I like the idea of the tips coming out for cleaning and screen replacement. After working with them, I definitely think this will be an advantage. Kudos on a great design Rick.

I'm also looking forward to seeing what the future brings in the glass department. I agree that a separate thread would be nice so it doesn't turn into the MFLB/battery debacle. I've been known to have a little ESP and I see a little more glass in my future.......

Thanks for letting me be a part of this Rick. I enjoyed it immensely!
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the ob

all good in the hood.
as I said I am excited to get my economy model and have a feeling I will be purchasing a "hand-blown" glass one by the weekend as well. thanks for all the work rick!
the ob,


Well-Known Member
Question about the leather bottom....

I have a bunch of cool scrap leather from an old project I did, and think it might look cool on my MZ. What kind of glue is used and what other issues will I run into if I pull the old leather off?

Not saying I will, but I get ideas in my head when baked. :p Herb and boredom are not a good combo.


vapor accessory addict
Had an amazing morning. Took Myrtle on a field trip to my good friend's house (same one that really enjoyed the Zapolish experience). I wanted her to check out the new glass. I had the good fortune of getting some very special mj from a good friend, so we were well prepared to really check these babies out. Well, we had a righteous time and have decided that these glass stems totally rock. Huge hits and you could really taste the herb. Yum.

Of course, we had no idea how high we were getting until we went out. Thought we were fine. Realized about two minutes into the car wash that we were basically crippled. We were laughing so hard the car wash guy must have thought we were mental. We had to go back home. Good times. :ko:

Edit: Wooohoooo. Just heard from Rick. My new Zap will be shipping and here early next week. Stay tuned for more pics!!! ;)

And ob, you are going to love the econo stem! Try it with a regular stem too. As much as I like pretty glass, this little baby is really growing on me.
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the ob

all good in the hood.
just received the econo stem today and will be testing it out tonight. stay tuned for a full review tomorrow.
or tonight if I can motivate after I use it. :p

mom, you ordered another zap? just because? good girl.
the ob,


vapor accessory addict
Yeah ob, gotta keep mom happy! ;) What, you thought I was kidding when I said I want one in every room? :p

So, how did you like that econo stem?
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the ob

all good in the hood.
Here is my review of the econo stem. some of this has been said already by mom and AG and some of the points are new.

I really like the simplicity of this stem. I also happen to like that it is clear glass. I think when you have clear glass, it is easy to clean because you can see where all the gunk is.

As AG mentioned, I like the idea of being able to pull the glass off the stem to clear it. I found that using the regular size stem was better for this than the mini that came with it. It was easier to grab the plastic on the longer stem without the danger of burning your fingers on the metal. It was also just easier to get a grip. It does extend the path of the vapor as well. This was good for cooling, but also made the setup longer. strangely I like the look of the piece better with the smaller stem though.

I liked the perfectly round shape of the glass. It you are a person who likes to rotate the stem in your mouth, it is easy with a perfectly round piece of glass. it is smooth and does not get stuck to your lips like the plastic does. with a bent stem, you could not do this. You do have the issue of this piece rolling and maybe the solution with be to add a little "nub" or something somewhere on the glass.

I think softer edges on the mouth part might be nice. mine actually had a chip on the mouth piece which may have been from shipping or maybe it was just because it was a sample. it was not super bothersome and I will probably just sand it out. still, it might be nice if it was a little softer/rounder at the mouth part. I liked the "kiss" analogy that AG used when discussing the other stem. doing this may increase the cost however and may not be worth it.

It is a very light weight piece as well. I think a nice addition might be a case of some sort. maybe just for the glass stems to protect them or for the unit as well. Rick, this may be another opportunity for another product to sell!

It is a very efficient piece overall. I do not know what the pricing should be, but I would think everyone should own this setup. it cools very effectively and allows for better/bigger hits. I will still probably purchase one of the other models (just cause I want it all) but will use this one happily.

great job rick. I may update this as I think of other things during the day. last night I had a lot to say just could not motivate to say them. :p
the ob,


vapor accessory addict
Very well put ob. I also like the regular length stem with the econo the best. :)

Someone else posted (sorry, can't remember who or where) that it's a big joke that vaping costs less. You might save on herb, but speaking for myself, I'm spending a fortune buying all the fun vapes and accessories.
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the ob

all good in the hood.
I agree ^^^^^ I already have ordered another zap and I will still probably have a couple of glass pieces coming my way.
the ob,


NOW I can tell you about the two slabs of Myrtle wood I got yesterday. One is 30" wide and 40" long, the other is 20" wide and 40 inches long. They are both over 3 inches thick. The biggest is almost all dark wood, not sure how dark til I open it up and the other is lighter but with some real personality throughout. This is officially the last of the 40 year stored wood that will be available. We say 40 year stored because the folks retired up here in 1971 and brought all the wood with them then so it could easily be more than 40 year stored. The big one was cut with an Alaskan mill(chainsaw mill). I will have more info after Labor day on this wood. There are lots of Zaps in both slabs. We almost lost it and cannot get any more because the old gal is getting senile or close to it. She agrees to a number then thinks she is getting ripped if it gets sold for that. I also think there is someone else whispering in her ear about the wood. This Myrtle is but a small bit of the collection. In the meantime my friend will not be doing any more wood dealing with that stash anyway. It was a massive stroke of something that got it to me. I just happened to talk to him two days ago and rattled his cage about it. Next day he shows up with it. Today he calls and says "don't cut it up, she wants all her wood back" I said "I won't cut it up but you are not going to get it back from me". We are good to go now.
I will be picking up another dozen or so of the blown stems in the morning. We will offer them for $39, total delivered price. That line is now officially called the Tootyfrooty, named by Pat. We will have different versions of it in the future. They all will come with two removable tips. The econo line is now the Planejane with what we have seen being bottom of that line. There will also be different versions of it in the future as he has already showed us another version. We will offer them for $25 total with one stem or $18 with no stem. I am going to make the stems a bit less than stock but not as short as the shorties after reading ob and moms comments. That fits me better too as the shortie ends are very difficult to turn properly because the stems are too short to chuck up good in the drill press. For now to order you will have to Email me with what you want, then I will send you a click to pay invoice through PayPal. We do have a trusted third party working on the website now. There should be some real changes in a few weeks or maybe less but it is happening this time.
I also will address the chip issue with my glass guy tomorrow. We found 4 plus obs, five total chipped ones out of twenty. If we have do do a little flame work on that end to be sure it does not happen, we will do that. We surely did not intentionally send you one that was chipped, ob, and apologize for you getting one. Kind of glad that happened early in the process though.

That is about it for now. I will try to get a picture up of tomorrows batch of Tootyfrootys (maybe Tooty for short?) when I get home. I want to keep this local(mz thread) for now. Once we get some different stuff and get the website buy page good, maybe we will start a new thread.
Leather bottom is easy to replace. Use Elmers glue. Just peel off the old one and scrape the bottom outer ring of wood clean before you replace the leather. Change out the cool cardboard too. Real easy once you take a look.

the ob

all good in the hood.
very exciting stuff!!!! I am excited about that dark 40 year wood. I hope I did not sound like I was complaining about the chipped glass I just wanted you to be aware. I was very honored that you sent it to me to test out. put me on the list for one of the new "tootyfrooty's" I will look forward to the pics tomorrow.
the ob,


Well-Known Member
How do we go about placing an order? I sent an email to rick at a week ago, and have not gotten a response yet. Maybe im sending it to the wrong email, or am i supposed to order it directly from the website? This will be my first home vape, and i wanna get one of the dark myrtlezap's.(preferably the 40 year old wood :)) Thanks for the help guys, and i am looking forward to purchasing this vape after all the great reviews.


Well-Known Member
I also ordered one recently I have the LB my first in vaporization and wanted a home unit I looked at all the others and picked Myrtlezap. I don't like the look of the tubing on the other vaps it gets brown and I think the Myrtlezap looks more efficient.


vapor accessory addict
HeySlick, it's not that I like the Planejane better, they both rock. I was just surprised at how much I like it and it's a definite in my rotation of stems. I find myself grabbing it way more than I thought I would. I don't think you would be disappointed in it if you want a cheap fix for a glass stem for your Zap. It's nothing fancy, but does the job. The Tootyfrooty is really nice if you want a little color work in your glass. Nice big hits and the removable tip for cleaning. I am becoming a bit of a glass freak, so I like having a variety. (God, I never thought I'd say this again, but I'm thinking of getting a little glass bong to use with my Zap. I thought my days of major paraphernalia were over!) And you will not believe how efficient this vape is. I sat down last night with a friend to share some special treat. We vaped about five stems, looked in the grinder, and there was hardly a dent in the amount of herb. We hadn't ground up much and were amazed at how little it took to get us wasted. Of course, this has a lot to do with the herb, but even with the mids I usually vape, it only takes a couple of stems for me. When I used my Hot Box a week ago, we blew through the herb. That's when I really noticed the difference in amounts used for the same buzz. And IMO, it even uses less than the LB.

sgvpunk, you can order your Zap right from the website. In the comments section, mention that you are from FC and any other special requests that you might have. it will get you an extra stem. Or, shoot him another email. Or both. Rick is really good about returning emails, so yours must have gotten lost in the shuffle somehow. I think it's been an exceptionally busy week in Zapville with the new product line. I'm sure if you try again, you wont have any problem. :)
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the ob

all good in the hood.
HeySlick said:
Hey Mom,ob,AG so you guys think the PlainJane line is better
I cannot comment on the tootyfrooty line as I only tested the plainjane version. I would guess one is not going to be "better" than the other. It is mainly an aesthetic difference. the plainjane line will do what it needs to do and do it well. the tootyfrooty line is going to be cooler to look at.

why decide? just do what I am doing and order both.....:brow:

sgvpunk, go to the website, go to the shop area (under the main menu section) and buy it there.
the ob,


Lost in Thought
Ditto and Ditto - As I stated in my initial review. They both have their pros and pros that I like more. Personally I like the TuttyPhrutti as my regular go to now. Before, I liked to just hit the plain stems (no need for tubing here) The Tuttis give me the best of both now. A better mouthfeel of the stemmage and the coolness that the tubing extension I liked. For me, the small diameter of the regular stems was more comfy than the diameter of the tubing or econo.
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