I said I'd put pictures up of my new Zap weeks ago, so I'm sorry for the delay, I hit a few bumps. I'm going to put my review up now, and I'll get pictures when I can (cell phone pictures will not do justice). I got a Sumo CRZ, which is currently unnamed still (I take forever with names I just got a poor kitten that's running around unnamed). On the sold gallery, it's OCT1 Sumac. This was my first vaporizer ever, and I couldn't be more happy. Who knew that a piece of art, handwarmer, oil diffuser, and vaporizer could come in one little USPS box!
I medicate for severe ulcerative colitis (pain, nausea, insomnia, appetite). I've been in a bad flare (fighting off ideas of surgery) for almost a year now, but it's been getting better slowly. About two days after I got my CRZ, it got very bad again. Unfortunately, I was also running very low on my medicine. With my CRZ, I made a little over an eighth last me around 3 weeks. I had to medicate much more often during the day, especially mornings (what's the deal with nausea in the morning anyway?). I'm still hurting, but not nearly as bad. I want to thank you for that, Rick. Not only were you kind enough to let me know a new, better product (the CRZ) was coming out soon, but you were more than helpful (and quick!) in answering my emails and questions. All in all, I'm a very satisfied customer. Thank you.
Looks: I always thought my guitars would be the only "wood art" in my room, but this Sumo CRZ is beautiful. It's smooth and fits perfectly in my hand. The lip at the top makes sure it never slips. The grain makes some fantastic water-like ripples on the front. On the top lip, there's a little chip where there is a tiny knot. It adds character, and I love it.
Functionality: It's a great hand warmer with these cold months coming

I haven't gotten the chance to diffuse oil in my CRZ yet (I know nothing about oils). As a vaporizer, it works great. I usually get 2-3 big hits, and maybe 3-4 wispy ones. It conserves beautifully, and it's easy to keep clean. I usually pack a stem for the morning the night before, and my zap is always ready and waiting. The vapor is tasty, and barely smells or lingers at all. I don't think I've combusted (at home) a single time since I received this. It took me a little while, as it's my first vape, but I think I finally got the grind and pack down.
I'm really happy with my zap. Rick, you're a genuine guy, keep up the great work.
Thanks for the help everyone!