

Everything ordered so far, including those who tried and did not make it, will ship Monday for an expected Wednesday arrival.
We also will have more choices of the most popular designs/grain patterns very soon. The deal is, here in Zapville now, "out of stock" means get more and get them quickly. That is happening. The stems are slowed a day or two for just a tad better production technique. Like an old friend used to always say....perfectamungo! That's the way it is now...........well, almost for sure.


Well-Known Member
SleepyHead said:
Also Rick, having trouble trying to order one of these. I try to add it to the cart but it fails to add and my cart is empty :/

Hope somebody doesn't buy it before me because of this..

I didn't encounter this problem in my testing, but I did get stuck at other points until I re-installed the full version of the shopping cart. It seemed that some extra code from the previous version was triggering a secondary validation routine and ... well it's boring technical stuff so whatever. Try again and let me know.

Sorry that ya missed the one you wanted today for this techie-glitch... Rick is great and who he is, how he be, is a huge factor in why I love working with him. Sorry to dampen the big release day! I'm very excited to see these new zaps.


Well-Known Member
Rick said:
This one sums it up.
Nice SS table to work on even!

The table looks nice with all those pretty zaps on top ;)

My new Rockzap is here! its been on for maybe 30 minutes and the outside is already pretty warm! maybe another 30 and I will get the SS stem to try it out! the wood is gorgeous! its the one to the left of the pink in the picture I quoted^

I will get my own pictures too but probably wont be as good as Ricks photos from the shop.

aaaand a Big thanks to Rick! you are da man!


Thanks taovapor for your help. You have got the website to where I can do plenty with products and discounts and stuff but the back room is off limits for me as you know. How it all works is a total mystery to me and will always be that way. Thanks again Master Flow/Universe for hooking us up with fine people that help us through this fun venture.
NYC, glad your RZ arrived on schedule. Another Loco. Black Locust that shows some real neat different grain stuff when rotated and under a black light. We will have more up soon.
We are open to requests if anyone sees a shape and would like some color. Even colored stems to match. You pick the color. I'll bet we can do it.

We are also open to serious inquiries from dealers, US and Global, who might want to stock RockZaps like what you have seen here on FC and do see on our website. We think we can keep up with whatever supply demands that may come down the road. Requests are best via Email, if interested.
Yes, things are changing fast in Zapville. As Zaplady always says, "what is, is". The new Locomotive is taking us to new places with the little Locomotive powering it all.


Well-Known Member
Definitely! I can see it changing under regular light inside here, I need to get some black light bulbs asap!

Ed's TnT

Holy shit Rick, you're going global!!!!!! Whats next??? I can see it now a solar powered ZeroGZap !!!!

Ed's TnT,


Active Member
Rick, I've been using mine as a whip, with the best of results. With these new ceramics seeming to perform even better than my RZ1, AND given the fact that the SSV/DBV crowd is just crazy for ways to make a low capacity wand to make them more efficient...

A low and wide turn to maximize stability, maybe like a mushroom cap, 4" or so across the bottom. Call it the Toadstool. So, the wand I use is just the tube and mouthpiece for my DBV. A little spit and it fits right over the standard stem. Once the stem is loaded and in the unit, I've spun the whip around it this way and that, and it's very difficult for me to get it to pop out. The unit will tip long before that, hence the earlier mention of a wider base. Stainless lined premium wooden wands and mouthpieces. Essentially the first titillating all wood whip vaporizer, designed for maximum efficiency. This could be the chance to add a potentiometer to the mix and play with variable temperature in the whip units.

Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Rick said:
The deal is, here in Zapville now, "out of stock" means get more and get them quickly.

Hooray! Hopefully that means I can get a top hat design after all. :cool:


That is so very cool Ed. You are getting skilled in alot of stuff these days. Thanks for putting that up. We all love it here at Zapville. And thanks for the stem attitude. Sometimes we make business decisions that are not fun to make for some reasons. This was one of them but it was bound to happen eventually. Thanks again for all you do.
Yes, SirElton, out of stock means we are working on more. I heard a story yesterday about the piece of wood Chatoya came from. "I have more but it is buried in some crate somewhere. It will take some time to find it". Then by late afternoon.........."I dug some of that out and will be working on it"
I am guessing but I'd bet "out of stock" on something will only last a few days.
NYC, a black light will make that wood come even more alive. Loco will be a regular in the RZ choices. We will have more soon. Hell, I might even have another in the shop right now.
So we will have LocoLinda, LocoLarry, LocoAmy, etc. Whatever the customer adds to personalize the Loco name.
SirElton, you want the top hat? Order in. Thought you might like that look.
This is so cool for Bobo because he and his wife love to turn wood. They have some creations that will blow us all out of the water. Bowls and other very neat stuff. He likes to incorporate defects into his work. Maybe someday soon we can have a link or even a page on the website where they can offer their wares. They are both so fucking creative. This is turning(ha! turning!) into a win-win for all of us and especially our customers.


Well-Known Member
Rick said:
SirElton, you want the top hat? Order in. Thought you might like that look.

I'd love to, but due to a purchase of an Underdog, I'm a wee bit stretched for vape funds at the moment. Just wait a short time and I'm sure you'll have a top hat for my head. :cool: I think its splendid we customers can just shoot you an email and you'll set us up right. Always that same great service. :)

Ed's TnT

The pics you have here are nothing to what is at your web, I am so for the raw log RZ with the bark showing, that is what I am talking about. It really shows off from where it all starts and what a transformation it has been through since entering Zapville. I love how you have actually left a big ole reminder of Mother Nature in it, we are blessed by her creations and Ricks brain!!! Thank you both!

The blocks and logs that come packed away however they may have had to travel just to make it to Zapville have not a clue of what is to come, they all start out a tiny little seed growing into a majestic test of time and a figure in its surroundings, it bares more than just fruit, life and creation of its own, to the ones of the air and the ground, from within it and all around, we all benefit from their gifts. They are unpacked and Zapville and off on the train to another aspect of life, a one of wonder and good times to be had by all. You better call up the guys that lay track cause there's a lot of miles to be laid, there is no stopping now!
Ed's TnT,


vapor accessory addict
Ed, you know, I was wondering why no one had commented on that particular version of the RZ. Figures it would be you! :lol: I also think it is way cool. Very rustic.

Ed's TnT

momofthegoons said:
Ed, you know, I was wondering why no one had commented on that particular version of the RZ. Figures it would be you! :lol: I also think it is way cool. Very rustic.

Oh I'm getting it baby!!!!
Ed's TnT,


Ed and I are going to do a little trading. I have always liked his wood. That one is one of the first we made in the new bottom install design. We will have more of those.
Just a reminder what you have seen is just the beginning of a big wave. I will be showing new styles and grains and wood coloring and stems as soon as tomorrow. They will also be available for immediate shipping.

We also want to remind everyone this is all 'Green' wood. Everything you have seen and will see for the immediate future is RECYCLED wood. It was all destined for firewood at one time. Bobo started his wood venture as he should, by stockpiling some of the 'ugliest' wood out there. He then carefully cuts it into blocks and dries it very slowly. He makes a lot of kindling finding the best pieces. Seems he is always working on that bandsaw making turning blocks of some kind and size.
So for now, ALL recycled local wood. Just think about the REAL heat now being produced IN the same wood that was to be burned for home heat.
We are saving the exotics for later.


Well-Known Member
Ed's TnT said:
Holy shit Rick, you're going global!!!!!! Whats next??? I can see it now a solar powered ZeroGZap !!!!

Ah nice, thats the zap I ordered :)

Rick was nice enough to hold onto it for me until the website issue had passed. I ordered it this morning and can't wait for Wednesday. The variance of color and its overall unique red drew my attention. Plus, the shape makes it easier to hold (i would think) and what do you know, it looks like a shroom. What I'm most excited about though is the new interior, can't wait to try it out and compare with my current, but slowly moving on, MZ, but I used her daily for 1.5 years.


vapor accessory addict
SleepyHead, you are in for such a treat! I'm so glad you were able to get the one you wanted.

Tree, that looks interesting. I'd just be curious about what other ingredients they use besides the beeswax (in the unscented one; I know you don't want any "flava" in yours).


RockZap ABV Report
I have worked with my RockZap, Mabel for 48 hours.
Time to look at her ABV!
Please pardon the size of this image... I felt it was important for you to see clearly the shades.
For color reference, I laid a can of Barbasol, and you can also compare the ABV's color to the traditional rust that most men get on the bottom of the can!
(image removed due to Photobucket's burning all of our images!)
I'm going to have to say that Mabel gets the job done!
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
That certainly is some great looking ABV, Vitolo.
Hopefully I can get mine soon, waiting on the new ones!


Active Member
That looks just like the poo my RZ1 makes when I use the 13.5v! I'm gonna be at the post office at 8am tomorrow, lol.


Active Member
You only make the anticipation grow stronger Vito!

BTW - do you use any kind of wood seal/polish (i.e., Zap or buzz) on you Zaps, more specifiically the new RZ? I've heard that it's not necessary with the new finish, but some seem to think it may still be productive. I'd love your feedback :cool:


When Rick sent the Birch Orange/Red RockZap, I call "Mabel", he sent an SS stem.
He also sent a bushing to go over the older smaller brass stems, so that they also could be used with the new zap. Ingenious, to not leave out our old favorite stems, and our collections, like Ed's wooden stems!
The Bushing is just a "silly millimeter" longer and fits on snugly. It actually gives a teensy bit of space for a slightly more loaded stem, as long as you don't fill it too much so that you restrict airflow!

I am absolutely loving using my glass Tootie with the RockZap. I love putting that bushing on the tip, for the fit of course, but also for the enemy weeny extra space for herb (or kief)!

I just put that bushing on my Tootie's tip, and sucked in some good meds.
That mabel chugged along full steam, and granted me 11 full hits
no weak hits at all. 11 kowabonga's, and "over and out".

I actually just wanted the family to know that me and mabel were having a good time wish you were here!~V
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