I actually appreciate you dealing with your Zap not working properly for you on this forum. Our thread is about AZ/MZ and the old bastard that makes them and ALL the changes happening this year, our tenth anniversary. This may sound weird but I am pleased you are having problems. We SHOULD be having some problems with all the changes being thrown out, especially when we get into insulating that stainless heatport and using a denser wood. Your description of how you treasure your Zap is great but if it does not perform as it should for you, it is not great. That is too big a 'miss' for the product. These are not Mantle pieces.
SirElton is right on with the loose pack to start and mom, you are always doing so much to help with folks having problems and we really appreciate that. One thing I have noticed with the changes in AZ is we are getting several more 'newbies' than in the past. The most common sale in the past has normally been someone who tried a Zap at a friends place so they are already tuned in to the technique. Folks who have never tried a log vape do have a learning curve and without a guide it can get discouraging. ON THE OTHER HAND, you could very simply have a low performer on your hands RumbleShorts. I will be putting a replacement on the list for you this week if you continue to have problems. I did hint that one of the five was not as hot as the other four but then seemed to pick up for me(that was yours). That could have been the placebo effect in a way. I do promise you will be much happier with your Zap experience very soon. And thank you for letting us know your Zap is not performing as it should.
Ah, videos, another missing link in the AZ experience except for some fine customers who have done something. My excuse has always been the nature of the beast and the conservative State we live in and another personal issue involving our family. In particular an ex family member who will do just about anything to hurt us because our son rejected her after 15 years of marriage. That situation is still 'holding'. That's life for now anyway.
I'll be headed over for our first batch of bottom SS sealed heatports tomorrow. I'll get a picture up soon. I have a surprise to go with it too. I ran across the heatport that started it all the other day.
Friday we talked and planned SS stem tips among other things. Yesterday, Monday, our guide through all this took delivery of (3) twenty foot sticks of SS tubing, the good kind. They already are getting the crimp down. I should have more to report on that one Wednesday PM. Unreal to see our tubing come in 20 foot sticks.
As has been mentioned in the past, ALL work being done away from Zapville is done locally by good old(and young) American men and women. I will bet they buy only US materials but need to confirm that.
Hang in there RumbleShorts. You'll be getting some special attention until you are happy with the performance of your Zap. Then just regular attention.
NYC, "mine looks like nothing now"? Come on girl, yours is a beauty too, just a different kind of beauty. We are planning on more Burl and fancy stuff down the road soon so if the trippiest is what you want, it will be here................before long. I wish I could have snapped my finners and made this all happen overnight so no one would be 'in the middle' of all the changes. Then on the other hand I cannot believe how fast we are changing. The luck of the draw................
Calm yourself for todays procedure. You will be in good hands. They are pros. Just relax and know what is, is. The most important thing is for you to stay at ease. Look at the word. dis ease
We are all rooting for you, whatever it is.