Just reporting in to say that my love affair with my SSS Cherry has been continuing, and i'm just as impressed with it, if not more so, than when i first unboxed and tried it. I normally try to wait about a week before giving final impressions of a vape, to get well past the "omg this new vape is the best!" honeymoon period, where honest opinion could be skewed by extreme excitement of owning a pretty new vape.
My normal resource for green was dry these past couple weeks, so i had to resort to some local mids. Mids is being optimistic i suppose, it's been heavily bricked and pretty well pollinated. I was reluctant to spend any amount of money on it, but decided 'somethings better than nothin' in the end and went with it. Much to my surprise, the zap has been able to get about 2x as many hits off of it as i would have expected, and i'm shocked that i actually get a decent buzz off of it.
IME, at least with my WDZ, midsy/dirty herb and logs dont go well together. I think the higher temps that the SSS reaches, and maintains across multiple hits, is why its better at vaping herb of less-than-stellar quality. And when you load it up with some dank, or even higher quality mids, watch out for that first hit

I rarely ever cough from a vapor hit, especially from a log, but its almost a guarantee if you take a big enough of one right off the bat with this. It caught my friend off guard when he tried it and he coughed pretty good
And how well it retains heat continues to be the most amazing attribute of this design overall id say.
Overall, the SSS zap is just what i wanted. I placed an order for what i thought would be a regular zap, after deciding that the pro's outweighed the con's (rattle, brass), and that it would be worthwhile to upgrade from my wdz - but ended up getting one that is exactly how i would have redesigned them.
I havent personally used a PD, but I can list the pros of the new zaps over the wdz (which i've always heard is a near exact clone):
-Better heat retention
-Higher operating temperature
-Built-in heaterport screen
-Tight, wobble-free stem fitting
-Heat exchanger is recessed deeper into the top of the wood
-Smoother sanded, straighter cut, overall better craftsmanship (as far as wood goes)
-More customization options, as far as wood type (i think) and LED presence/color
-Tootys are very nice
It might just be that i didnt let it heat up as long or something, but even the wax/butter that comes with the zap seems to be better in that the wax and oil didnt separate like the other stuff im used to using, so it was easier to apply. It also has a nice lemon scent that makes my zap smell like lemon herbal tea
Fir these reasons, i really cant think of a legitimate reason for someone to go with anything but a zap now. All the flaws have been addressed and what was already a solid design has been greatly improved upon. It get's a 5/5 from me, and is by far my favorite vape.