
the ob

all good in the hood.
nice looking zap! It is funny, I never get the LED, but they always look cool.


The new SSS looks beefy and badass! Why do I feel like using it will feel like the zap got a turbo boost!
the ob,


Lost in Thought
That is a nice looking Zap. Sorry to hear that your headier wood is all gone Rick :(


Well-Known Member
I'm itching to get mine. The days are going so much slower now that I've ordered it. Does anyone else feel like a kid waiting for Christmas when waiting for their Zap? ;) I just hope to get it by my birthday on the 13th. I know Rick has a bunch of new orders and he said he and Zaplady might be behind a day or two, so I completely understand if not. I think its incredible they get them out so quickly anyway.

Thanks for the responses on the aromatherapy uses, everyone. I replied to the email that I'd like the SSS which I'm glad since Rick says its improved the aromatherapy use. I'm not sure if he got it since there wasn't a response, though since I didn't ask a question and because of the recent influx of orders, I wasn't expecting one anyway. I got 100% pure essential oils from Eden's Garden. All the reviews say they are top-quality oils so I'm sure they'll work great.
will I get a green led, or a blue. Because the blue is much prettier and I would prefer a solid wood over the led if it is green.


Serial vapist
biojuggernaut said:
will I get a green led, or a blue. Because the blue is much prettier and I would prefer a solid wood over the led if it is green.

Last i checked, the only option on the site is for either no LED or blue LED. The green was something i specifically requested, and rick was able to accommodate. I've actually already benefited from the presence of an LED on the zap - I was using an extention cord and apparently one of the jacks on it was loose because i noticed the LED blinking off and on whenever the cord was moved at all, so i switched to the other jack and it worked good. Otherwise, i might not have realized what was happening and could have thought it just wasnt performing good.

SSS and old style units

But anyway, I got to vape a couple stems and man this thing hits nice. It seems to run a little hotter than the older style cherry zap that i've been using the past couple days tho. That zap has a slight rattle (even when hot) so some could be due to that, but i think most of it is due to the new design.

I could see some ppl thinking that it runs a little TOO hot tho, of course there are ppl who think that just about any log style vape runs too hot for them. But anyway maybe those ppl could use a lower voltage adapter to get a little lower temp? I'm pretty content with it as it is tho. It gives thicker hits, and of course vapes the herb a bit more (abv comes out a bit darker), but the tradeoff seems to be fewer hits on average because of the size/thickness of the hits. I vaped a goo-tipped stem and it worked better than the WDZ or Zap i've used before. It didnt take a hit or two to get the goo melted and heated up, there were clouds right off the bat.

More importantly though, it seems to have better heat retention. Me and my friend each had our own stem and passed the zap back and forth and it didnt cool from the quick succession of hits like the other logs have. Just feeling the SSS zap you can tell its hotter, the sides and top are both very warm, whereas with the older zap its just the top thats very warm, with the sides just being a bit warm.

I also noticed that the stems insert further into the heaterport opening than on the brass zaps. the screen in the SSS zap seems to be deeper in the hole, so im guessing thats why. I think this also contributes to the SSS maintaining a steadier, higher temp.

Just improved design all around.

Well thats all i really have to say on it for now, more impressions, and maybe post-waxing pics tomorrow.

The cherry stemholder is also great. nice wood of course, and its really convenient if you have to set your stem down mid session, you dont have to try to find something that wont melt to prop the stem on so it doesnt spill or roll off your desk. It's also just easier to keep track of them. I asked Rick to make one of the 3 holes a bit wider because i planned on getting a wooden stem from Ed (and i heard theyre a b it wider, but not sure exactly), and he did.


vapor accessory addict
What a great wake up call steiner! :D Didn't have use of my computer all day yesterday, so I didn't get a chance to come on and see your new beauty. That new heat port looks really solid and I'm not at all surprised that it gives solid hits. Very interesting markings on your Zap too. They really pop.


steiners is one of those Snowflake Cherrys. I have a few blocks left. Something happened during the log drying process as the original logs we cut up did not have the white spots. Then we did some that had been in the log pile for almost two years and that is what we got.
Good to hear the vapor production report besides all those nice pics steiner. The one shot of the old and new style together is a classic
I would prefer they run on the hotter side. We can usually cool them down a tad by turning the blocks a bit thicker. Your block was on the narrow side, very close to 2 1/2 " exact. I had to do that because that piece of Cherry was not quite as wide as I like but it was a pretty one. I also figured..."...err on the hot side for an old hand like steiner"
Looks like just what the doctor ordered for the traditional mid-range Aromazap.
This also could help me decide to keep offering the old version heatport as an option for those who like a little cooler vapor.
Slightly larger rounds for Cherry and Walnut will cool these babies down IF NEED BE. Our current Myrtle will probably be perfectamungo without larger blocks as it is on the dense side.
I do think much of the extra heat is just from using Stainless Steel. Some of the extra bang also comes from the design and perhaps that it is made from solid stainless.
Thanks again steiner for the pics and review. Let me know if you have any questions or problems of any kind. Your heatport 'enter' hole is a few thousandths tighter than the production model so if you use any other stems than what I sent you they will be a tight, almost too tight, fit.
Kinda cool to have AZ on the hot side. Shiny and purty too. AZ's got the beef now.............
edit for:
Yes, the tips can go in a little deeper than the old models.
Vito, I just wonder about poor 'Cushin. She has been cooking to keep up with Walnetta but this new test will be tough for her(keeping up with SSS). I mean heck,.....'tips in a little deeper'.....whats she gonna do to compete with that??????
Outta here early for the first batch of SSS heartports, more glass, tools and stuff. I'll get a pic up of the first batch of heatports later today.


Well-Known Member
cant wait to see those shiny new heaters :) hoping to get a stainless zap soon on an unrelated note i made the mistake of getting one of those cheap ebay vapes the vp102 i think it was... bad idea i smoked out of it one time and it made me very lethargic at first then later that day i had a heart failure no joke, i propose a ban on them and a curse may everyone wish me well... that things at the bottom of the river now! lol. looking forward to a nice zap something i know is safe, or safe enough stainless and wood cant go wrong there. zapvilles becoming quite intresting lately change is always good i guess :peace:


Well-Known Member
I assume that that entire SSS heatport is washed properly so there is no residue, but I know thats a given :p. I will order one of these soon, but I want to see more pics of Steiners new cherry zap ;) I want to see the grain on the cherry wood Rick has at the moment!
just ordered an intense walnut! woo, back to the waiting game :ninja:

Rick: Couldn't find that comment box on paypal, hope you receive my email about the free stem.


Latest update, then a question or two answered.
I am in the shop now, it is 4:30 PM. To get anything out by tomorrow, I would have to work at least a couple more hours. NOT. No Zaps out til Monday at the earliest. Too late getting home from the big day in Spokane.
Time for SSS vapor and some Gin.
Thanks for the order. The Paypal notes to seller section will show on the page right before you make your final click to buy as I recall. steiners green led was by special request. They are all blue.
We still have heady wood, just not 5 star stuff like we have seen in the past. I still have some incredible Myrtle Burl but I have to figure out how to insulate that soft wood better. hint.
As I said earlier, these SSS heatports go through a commercial plating shop. The very first step is a thorough cleaning. The last step is an electro polish and rinse that bring them up to surgical grade stainless finish. The Dawn stays in the kitchen here in Zapville. More pics of steiners Cherry? He put a bunch up.
Looking forward to getting the best log vape made in your hands.


Well-Known Member
:doh: I feel dumb, I missed them on the last page

That cherry looks very pretty but im not sure if its my style, very pretty though, not sure if I will be able to wait this time :D


Well-Known Member
I hope mine is one of those out on Monday. In the words of Willy Wonka, "The suspense is terrible. I hope it will last." Except I totally don't want it to last :)


Account Closed
This new design looks really nice. Also Rick if you like Gin, try Tanqueray Rangpur. Very nice and you don't need limes with yo' tonic :)


Vapor Viking
I keep ending up back in this thread checking out the latest heat port design,
It looks awesome, I bet it hits hard!!
This is super zap porn and has me busting to buy a new unit with stem holder to match!

Just wonder if it will make my brass Zap redundant, he's only a reasonably new addition to my vaporizer family.
Either way I could never part with such beautiful functional art, he may be retired to aromacup use only!
:D :peace:


Don't say that where your Zap can hear... they have feelings!
These are made from Mother Earth...
I have a Zap retired to AromaTherapy use.....
I also intend to own SSS Zaps
My Original Lead free Brass Zaps will simply adorn other spots in the home, as not only aromatherapy... but as a "hit on the run' (running through the house!!)
I have a vision.
Some Zaps are not as hot as others right??
In the early morning I want a light buzz.. just enough to ward off morning "discomforts".
I also want the "dressing room" to smell wonderful!
Rather than hand the Brass unit the title of retired... get a new AromaZapSSS and let "Brassy" be your rest room vape .


Vapor Viking
Haha, I only typed it Vito, the Zap is within earshot but can't see the screen!
Retiring the little Brass Zap isn't going to be easy, I was lucky enough to get a very Intense Walnut Zap and there is no way that I can put him out of sight! He will be delegated to light duties for a milder buzz :D


Well-Known Member
Having a Zap in the bathroom is a great idea, Vito! I can already imagine sitting down, opening up the newspaper, and puffing on some vapor.. :)

the ob

all good in the hood.
vito, you are a piece of work (in the best possible way) and a genius.

I love the bathroom zap.

Is that a sign that we have too many? I do not think so........ :brow:
the ob,


vapor accessory addict
I don't know if you remember me saying once that I would like to have a Zap for every room in the house? :D

the ob

all good in the hood.
momofthegoons said:
I don't know if you remember me saying once that I would like to have a Zap for every room in the house? :D

I do. now is the time. get on board the train :)
the ob,


Well-Known Member
Now I feel the anticipation that so many before me have felt. I have been going over the Zap-porn provided in many of these 186 pages and I cannot wait to see that Rick has in store for me.

It almost makes me want to order another for the bathroom :)


vapor accessory addict
the ob said:
momofthegoons said:
I don't know if you remember me saying once that I would like to have a Zap for every room in the house? :D

I do. now is the time. get on board the train :)

Oh don't you worry about me ob.... :lol: I'm on board. Just biding my time...


Oh my Goodness! Am I ever getting behind on responses here at FC and on the Zap order line. We do appreciate the support which certainly did amp up this last week more than we have every experienced except one time many years ago when a well known forum member(OG) showed a pic of his Zap in his Corvette(top down) on a summer cruise. I will be picking up the second batch of SSS heatports at the end of the week to keep the train moving.
Where do I start?
Your Zap is in the batch of seven that will be shipping today for an expected Wednesday arrival. All Zaps ordered since 7/23 will have the SSS heatport installed. Since the SSS was officially released before some brass orders shipped, we are giving all the orders that were "in line" the new heatport.
Todays batch out will bring us into the first orders made Aug 2(except SirElton who was the first order of 8/2 which ships today). The next bunch out will be Tuesday or Wednesday, another 6 at least that were ordered on the 2nd. By Thursday or Friday, another 6 at least will go out which will take us through orders made by 8/5. Orders made this past weekend will probably not get out til the beginning of next week. Also on the list for late next week will be our first attempt in many years to do a small personalized retail gig. Should be 6 more at least going there. We will announce those details in a week or so.
The brass Zaps will keep going a long time and will be classics in our opinion. They could even gain in value to some being we did them for over ten years. They work just fine. The thing is the new SSS port is just more 'professional' in our opinion. It will never have an internal rattle. And stainless holds heat better than brass. They also look so much better from the top view as shown in steiners pic in post #4632 on this thread.
I have just requested Zaplady take a pic of Zaps going out today. 5 Myrtles and a Cherry. Some of our new Myrtle is real classy stuff. There is also a 7th going out but no pic of that one.....yet. That Zap is in the experimental stage, using the new SSS heatport and something else. It needs some thorough Beta testing for an extended period before we can say more about it. If some may be thinking of not ordering til something else 'new' is out, think again. It may not even happen as it involves new untested design. The SSS heatport is here to stay and we anticipate no changes to the design.
I have undoubtedly missed a thing or two here. Very busy day ahead. The good news is the Zap locomotive has a full head of steam this week. There will be many SSS Zaps heading out before weeks end.


Active Member
Are you going to post that picture for us? I'm on the fence between Myrtle and Cherry for the SSS I'm going to order today. I'd like to see the Myrtle especially! I'll also be emailing you about a few misc. tooty parts before I order.

Cheers on this upgrade Rick. Serendipitous business partners can really turn things around in the most unforeseen ways.
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